Sunday, January 30, 2011

Weird and Disturbing Dream and a Great Movie

First the bad stuff. I had a bad dream of triplet females being raped before their first mensus by men of differing races as an experiment in geno-typing and an attempt at breeding controls such as was done in Nazi Germany. Woke me up and I was disturbed by the thought that many of my dreams are like this.

Second, I saw a great movie last night called "Faith Like Potatoes" and I will be looking for it to add it to my library. It's another religious/spiritual/christian style movie such as "Shoes of the Fisherman," "Left Behind," "Flywheel," "Facing the Giants," and "Fireproof." I like those and feel uplifted after watching them. There are many series, also that I like to watch. I don't know all their names, but I sure look for them when I'm surfing the TV late on certain nights.

I also watch 3ABN a lot. It keeps my mind centered on what's really important in my life. While Egypt is in turmoil, it helps me to remember that this is all planned out, even though it's scary.

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