Sunday, January 9, 2011

Decongestants Caused Sleeplessness....

Well, I changed up my meds, removing the two new ones. I kept the heart stuff the same out of safety. I stopped taking the decongestant I was given for the sinus infection a few weeks ago. I don't normally need a decongestant, and they typically disturb my heart. I also stopped the stuff for heartburn. I wasn't sure which was causing the sleeplessness, but medicines that end with "-dine" tend to have something to do with it.

It turns out that it was the decongestant! The doc assured me I could take this one, that it didn't have the "-D" designation that causes so much trouble. Well, I slept the night through last night, one benedryl so I could ignore my bladder until it was time to get up. I slept 8 hours!

I ate right yesterday, so I wouldn't have the night-time heartburn I typically get, too. It was a struggle, but I have to do that if I'm going to get my insulin-resistance corrected, anyway. I have to change a lot to get that under control!

Yes - I have some pretty interesting health plans to put into effect over the next few months. I'm starting an intense cleanse and de-tox program that will take about 8 months to complete, while complying with a program to reset my insulin/sugar balance. By the end of 2011, I expect my body to show some real changes chemically and physically. I only have a few more items to purchase to get started. About another $100 worth of stuff.

Some of the things I need to get are durable or hard goods, that will stay around for a long time; while others are consumable. One item, I'm still sourcing, and I'm not sure how that will work out yet. It's optional, but recommended for a short time.

Anyone interested in this kind of thing can find information at these two sources:

I started with this book:

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