Sunday, January 31, 2010

I'm so sick!!

The last cold - what was it a month ago? Was bad, but this one is wiping me out! My ears hurt, my hair hurts. I'm up eating some soup, about to go back to bed for a 2nd day.

This sucks!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

BP Machine and Lithium Batteries...

Well, I took my little Blood Pressure Monitor in to check it out, and it was the batteries. I put those new, hi-powered LIoN batteries in it, and it only wanted the old-fashioned ones.

It spit, quit working, and refused to register anything.

The gal in the Pharmacy said it was an OLD machine (I beg your pardon, only a year old!)...

Well, I seem to have pulled it out at work, but I won't know for certain till my meeting with the boss. It's looking good. So far...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Imagine That!!!

Well, my blood pressure is better controlled, by taking my meds a fairly strict 12 hours apart. Imagine That!!! Docs don't tell you this stuff. You have to learn it on your own.

It took about 48 hours, but then the symptoms stopped. If you've ever had really high blood pressure, you know what I'm talking about - kind of being out of it, dizzy, not sure you know what's up, ringing in your ears, maybe a bloody nose... You get the picture.

It's a good thing the symptoms stopped, because my monitor machine went on the fritz. I changed the batteries to these great little guys that work fab in cameras, wireless mice, and other electronics. Now, the monitor won't read anything at all. No, I did NOT put the batteries in backwards - that was the first thing I checked. I'll take it to the pharmacy and have them look at it. I may need some more mainstream batteries for it - something with less power.

Ah well....

Day is good so far...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blood Pressure went wacky...

I thought maybe it was the stress put myself under, but after careful examination, it seems that it was just too long between doses of my medicine, combined with the stress, that escalated it.

I've decided to try an experiment for a few days before I run to the Docs to fix it...

Take my meds roughly 12 hrs apart instead of on awakening and at bedtime. Sometimes, I have to get up really early, and my days go for close to 20 hours. That's too long between meds, so if I make it a 12 hr cycle, things should calm down.

I'll be doing a 10am-10pm cycle. I get up a lot earlier than that, and I'm often up at least another 2-3 hours at night, so this should work.

If nothing else, it will steady my blood pressure while I'm working through my stressful situation.

I have another 2 weeks to complete a major change in my work life - and with any luck and a lot of determination, it should be completed by the end of this week. I'll have to be on my toes for another 2 months after this, too, so that the habits I create now will become just that - habits.

So, keeping the BP under control really helps. Did I tell you the side effect of bouncing BP??? Emotional insanity. I become a basket case. The little things take on huge dimensions. Everything seems much more important than it really is.

God is in Charge. God knows what God is doing. I don't have to. And my biggest problem today is that I hate change. I hate to make new habits, a detour in my route, my cats acting weird, or running out of something I use all the time. Am I set in my ways? Yes. A resounding Yes! I know what works for me and what doesn't.

The broken parts though - it's so hard to let go of them...

Like an old friend, that broken habit or item takes up time or space in my life. If I let them go, what will happen? I'll be somehow less????

NO~ God always takes things away so that he can make room for something better.

And I am grateful that my life is so full that I have to let things go to "make room" for new things.

God Bless....
Have a good week...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Coffee is not the partner to sleep....

Even decaf can keep me awake till all hours at night.

I had coffee last night- decaf, but coffee. I went to a later meeting since I've had trouble lately getting to meetings. Things keep popping up at the last possible minute, and I'm kept from attending...

So, a friend and I went to a meeting last night. We had decaf coffee. We both were up till about 4am. Not the best way to get your rest, to be sure!

No way I could get to meeting this morning. I wanted to. I'd planned on it. I couldn't stand up straight or walk across the room without falling. I needed sleep. So, I went back to bed and got some more sleep.

A late start to the day, but I'll go to bed much earlier tonight. And I bet I'll be able to sleep, too.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Surgery on the Horizon...

Ok, this makes like the 5th or 6th major surgery to the old bod...

This time, we don't yet know if it's cancer or fibroids, but since pathology has to be done on the other end, we're waiting. No use borrowing trouble...

Yep, FINALLY getting the hysterectomy I should have had in 1983. Don't have a schedule yet, but I'll need help, this I know. It will be the kind of operation where I'll have yet another scar, and it won't be easy.

I'll probably be in the hospital 2-3 days, and then out of commission, unable to drive for a good week. I'll be able to work as soon as I can think straight, since work consists of walking from the bedroom to the office.

I'll need help for at least 2 weeks, I figure. Folks who are willing, start lining up, please...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cat Vet Day

I got bit and only 3 got in to the vet today. I'll be OK, and the 2 that didn't get in need to go.

We got shots, mats removed, and teeth/ears checked. Basic wellness for the babies.

Queenie is the one who bit me, and Princess hid, nowhere to be found. I guess even cats can have claustrophobia!

Have a good one!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lovin' This!

I found something called "fly lady" on the internet, while I was looking for some housekeeping schedules. I'm not all that good at it, ya know???

So, I'm building the binder, and actually cleaning my house - deeply! This is cool!

I never knew you could do this without hiring somebody.

Or maybe being my sister - who somehow got the cleaning gene I missed....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cat Hair Eradication....

I vacuumed yesterday. For folks who know me, this is a monthly occurrance, and I hate every minute of it. It hurts my back. After $100K of back surgery, I have a reason to not like back aches...

So, I vacuumed the rugs yesterday. I cleaned in general, and I really hate housework. If I could afford a weekly service to come in, I'd have one!

Well, I have this really nice, red, oriental rug in my living room, on top of the carpet. It designates the living room portion of the room, and gives the cats a nice, centralized place to play and be in my eye-view. They get catnip on the rug, too.

My horrible, heavy, and unweildy vacuum (it's a very good, large, canister vac) didn't pick up the hair this time on the red rug. So, I tried the upholstery attachment. It worked. It took about an hour, on the floor, but I got the hair off the rug. It looked brand new - for about an hour.

I hurt today. Aleve, and a hot shower (with the massage on the nozzle working at full), have only done a slight job to relieve the ache. I won't be doing much of anything today.

I learned a long time ago, that when my back hurts, things stop. I stop. No standing, no heavy lifting, no bending, no laundry, no cleaning, no gardening...

Sitting, sleeping; that's about the limit today.

Maybe I'll crochet some more. I almost have the 4th bag filled, and that means I have enough pieces to begin the planning of the final garment. I have enough for the framework, and some general color planning. I have a lot of white yarn and the rest of my work will be using that.

On another note, it turns out that the crud in my lungs is responding well to alkaline foods. I cough a lot less, and the congestion is easing off.

And Beasley is a sweet lover, so his cuddles always make me feel better...