Thursday, January 6, 2011

Can't Sleep

I've been dealing with insomnia again. I haven't had it this bad in a while, though.

I go to bed - or at least take my pills around 11pm every night. Sometimes I take them early, around 10pm. Sometimes I forget and it's 1am! But, as a general intent and practice, I take them around 11pm.

Then, bedtime. Go to bed, turn on TV, set the sleep mode for 45 minutes, and I'm out before the TV goes off.

Lately, while this routine is the same, I'm waking up around 2:30am, and unable to go back to sleep. It doesn't help that the alarm in the ceiling is now going off at 3am instead of 4am, and I'm awake already when it goes off.

After about 30 minutes, I'll get up and take more Melatonin. That helps a little bit, but I never really get back to sleep for that deep, restful, REM sleep that we all need.

I can blame the house - too hot, or too cold. I can blame the cats because they hear me stirring and want to cuddle - and I close them out of the room some nights because of this. I can blame my financial stuff, or whatever. My mind races from 3:30am until the alarm goes off.

Don't get me wrong, I'm dozing, but not really sleeping. The slightest noise, movement of the cats, or the furnace turning on will wake me again.

I'm starting to see rings under my eyes, and I'm getting cranky. Then, I fall asleep in my chair in the evenings, and the cycle just repeats itself.

Today, I have registration at the local community college, so I won't be in my chair. The registration is followed by my normal 1st Thursday women's entrepreneurial group meeting so I won't get home till around 10:30-11pm tonight.

It's a situation where I will have to eat supper out, and the cat's dinner will be pretty late.

I need to leave the heat up a little bit. It snowed overnight, and the temp isn't doing much to defrost us. That's another reason to get a programmable thermostat!

Anyway, this may be my last meeting for a while due to classes, so I need to be there. Besides, the topic tonight is killer!

So, it's a long one today, even though I'm starting to fray at the edges from not getting restful sleep.

No wonder I sleep through the weekends!

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