Monday, January 3, 2011

Been Dreaming About Mom and Communication

I gave my story at a meeting Friday night (New Year's Eve) and since then I've been having dreams of Mom. As in life, the encounters end in screaming matches, but I've at least not had to wake up that way. I just have the bad feelings and wake, instead of waking up screaming.

As was usual, she didn't understand my words. Maybe that's where I get my communication problems from....

I speak in what I think is plain language, but she read all kinds of stuff into it. When people speak to me, I don't get the missing parts - the emotions and feelings or motivations behind it. Am I missing a piece of something in my head?

I take language for what it is - a way to communicate ideas, plans, requests and thoughts. If emotive words are used, I put the communication into that context. I did well in speech class in school. I can listen and get the meaning of words. I understand what people say when they talk. I can string ideas together in verbal communication and generally not get lost in the string - I don't always have to have it in black-&-white in front of my face in other words. I can follow along with logic or fancy. I can follow the progression and development of ideas.

So why is it that when I communicate with some people, I'm slow on the uptake? Am I trying to or expected to read minds? I don't have that talent. Are others trying to read my mind? I'm lost at that point.

Maybe things will become clearer as I grow older. But I sure wish it would get clearer now! I'm almost 56!

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