Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blood Pressure went wacky...

I thought maybe it was the stress put myself under, but after careful examination, it seems that it was just too long between doses of my medicine, combined with the stress, that escalated it.

I've decided to try an experiment for a few days before I run to the Docs to fix it...

Take my meds roughly 12 hrs apart instead of on awakening and at bedtime. Sometimes, I have to get up really early, and my days go for close to 20 hours. That's too long between meds, so if I make it a 12 hr cycle, things should calm down.

I'll be doing a 10am-10pm cycle. I get up a lot earlier than that, and I'm often up at least another 2-3 hours at night, so this should work.

If nothing else, it will steady my blood pressure while I'm working through my stressful situation.

I have another 2 weeks to complete a major change in my work life - and with any luck and a lot of determination, it should be completed by the end of this week. I'll have to be on my toes for another 2 months after this, too, so that the habits I create now will become just that - habits.

So, keeping the BP under control really helps. Did I tell you the side effect of bouncing BP??? Emotional insanity. I become a basket case. The little things take on huge dimensions. Everything seems much more important than it really is.

God is in Charge. God knows what God is doing. I don't have to. And my biggest problem today is that I hate change. I hate to make new habits, a detour in my route, my cats acting weird, or running out of something I use all the time. Am I set in my ways? Yes. A resounding Yes! I know what works for me and what doesn't.

The broken parts though - it's so hard to let go of them...

Like an old friend, that broken habit or item takes up time or space in my life. If I let them go, what will happen? I'll be somehow less????

NO~ God always takes things away so that he can make room for something better.

And I am grateful that my life is so full that I have to let things go to "make room" for new things.

God Bless....
Have a good week...

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