Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Review...

Thanksgiving was quiet at my house. It was great being able to cook a feast, spread it out and graze/eat at my leisure. I left it out for about an hour, in case someone dropped in but didn't call first. I then put it away - and put out the desserts.

I enjoyed those at my leisure, too.

Finally, I put it all away, and began the tremendous clean-up! I'm down to the main baking pan from the turkey, then the gravy.

I've strained the boiled carcass, and begun my soup stock. I'll get some egg noodles and put them in the jars raw, with the soup as it is now, and seal the quarts. When the soup is re-heated, the noodles will be perfectly done.

My dressing was outside the bird, and I guess I didn't do something right, because it was very dry. I've adjusted 1/2 of it, and now that's cooling. The rest of the dressing (un-doctored) is in the freezer.

The yams were delightful!

The potatoes were a little tough. Can't figure that one. I steamed them in the nuker, then put them in the oven to brown. They turned tough, instead.

The gravy is fabulous! I have 1 1/2 quarts left, and I have a pint of turkey fat. That will flavor all kinds of things!

I also froze the second Pumpkin Pie. It will be good for Christmas.

I separated the meat into white and dark, and I have almost a full gallon baggie of each.

Well, that's my report.

I'm not concerned that I ate alone. I was christening my home, and making it a home instead of just a house. That was more important than anything I cooked or anyone who came over.

I did get a call from family later in the day, and a friend did stop by to share a cup of coffee after 6pm. It was a good day.

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