Tuesday, December 5, 2017

NaNoWriMo and New Site Pages

Well, I only got 6180 words for Nano... BUT

I put up maybe 15 pages on the new website  No Type 2 Life . Some of the pages took coding, and since they are recipes, I had to enter the information twice. Once to track calories and macronutrients, and once for the website page. That first time wasn't checked because it went into MyFitnessPal.

Plus all the other pages. And the re-work of the breadcrumb links (linking between pages). And getting the exercise pages started. And got a newsletter issue out. OH, and the background was too distracting, so I faded it out. That took several hours of tinkering in Photoshop.

So, maybe I only got roughly 6100 words for Nano - But I wrote a massive amount. Not so bad, taken in context. AND there were three completed short stories in the Nano writing!

Grammarly checked my pages, and that showed over 31,000 words checked. That doesn't include FB.

And meanwhile Facebook has been fighting me. And the political situation has made it difficult for me to work. The Net has slowed to a crawl. And now this horrible tax bill that makes it difficult if not impossible for start-up businesses to grow.

I see where this thing can go on this. I see license distribution. I see B&M clinics across the country selling the supplements, counseling folks and teaching the exercises. I see a real change in the pre-diabetic world and the threat of obesity.

But that takes an immense investment of time and money. I don't know if I can do it. I don't know where to get the money. I have time, but not enough. I need experts brought on board.

So, over all, I've been pretty productive.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Vulnerability and Opening Up

A friend spoke up recently after an absence of many months. Apparently, he'd been going through some not-so-pleasant things,  and was feeling that he had nothing to offer. He was feeling like he was a fake because he is, after all, a spiritual leader of sorts. This was my response...

"As I get older, I find that my pain, my broken parts, my sorrows, my "less than" stuff, all prepare me to build a new part of me - to build a more defined self. Each setback forces me to grow spiritually. These are not failures - they are not "bad" but instead are the "catching points" of my life where I am feeling stuck. Or, things that I've held on to that I need to let go of. Each surrender, each letting go, allows me to grow a little more into the person I was meant to be in the universe. These things are just lessons to learn. Allowing myself to dwell on "my understanding" or "my valuation" of them, only limits them further. I MUST let go of all judgments and evaluations. I am not fit to judge or evaluate anything. I am here to do, to give, to share, to teach, to lead, to show the way, to light the dark corners, and to tell the story with different words so that others might hear it. You are never less because of your experience. You can only grow one way - wiser. Blessings, friend."

Vulnerability by Chris Lopez
I know, deep down in my soul, that I am here to lead the world. I know that I am a leader - to the next plane of existence or the next phase of human development. I don't know what that looks like, but I'm here to lead us to it. To pass us through that door into - What, exactly?

Yep, that's right. I have no idea. But I have a gift of "re-framing" things. Take a fire, a tornado, a break-up, or whatever; and I can re-frame it into a lesson we need to learn or an opportunity for something else. Sometimes, disparate things come together for me. It's the way I was made - to see these unlikely relationships and cause/effect bubbles.

It's like that story where the horse was lame and everyone said "that's bad" and then the army came through and took everyone's horses but his and it was "good" that his horse had been lame because he still had a horse to pull his plough.  The story goes on for about five more things, teaching the listeners that we have no idea what's bad or good. I know that I certainly don't have any idea.

But one thing that I've learned is that being vulnerable, allowing another to see our soft underbelly, is important for us to do. We must open up, stop hiding and stop blaming.

Like the "#metoo campaign" where people who've been sexually harassed or assaulted just come forward and acknowledge that it happened to them. How powerful it is - to know you are not alone in your experience.

When I started recovery, I thought I was alone in my experience as a child of being molested, abuse, neglect, a crazy mother and absent father.... And by listening to others, I found out that I wasn't alone, that I wasn't crazy, that there were people just like me who'd dealt with it and were moving on.

It is so important to allow others to see us. Really see us.
I used to say "If you knew who I was, you wouldn't want to know me," and I believed it. But that isn't true. Today, if you really know me, you are one of my best friends. But then, I don't let a lot of folks get that close, either... Not any more.

Remember, we don't know what's good or what's bad. Allow your vulnerabilty, and accept it. Share it appropriately so others can identify and find comfort. And grow.

We can only grow one way - wiser....

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Humility vs. Passivity

I'm not proud that I'm an alcoholic. I'm not ashamed of it, either. It's just one fact of my life, not all of my life. I am in recovery. I'm not proud of that, and I'm not ashamed of it. Recovery is how I remind myself that I'm an alcholic and stay away from the first drink. It isn't something to be ashamed of, but it isn't something to be proud of either.

Some people wear recovery as a badge of honor. Others seem to allow it to become their whole identity. I can't do that. I appreciate recovery and what it means for me. I pass on what I know about getting and staying sober to those who want it. I don't waste my time on people who don't want it.
I tell my doctors that I'm an alcoholic. I don't want drugs or alcohol in my life today, so I make sure they don't prescribe something that may lead me back to addiction. But it isn't a badge of honor or a badge of shame. It just is.

I've been thinking about other stuff in regards to humility, too. Like this "#metoo" campaign on social media. It isn't a badge of honor. Or a badge of courage. Or a badge of shame. But people who've been assaulted, sexually molested, raped, and had to suffer unwelcome overtures after they said "no" clearly, are often made to feel like they are the bad guys.

I had a job once where the junior computer tech was friendly and seemed to be OK. Then, he sent me an obscene email through the company email system. I was offended. I reported it to my supervisor. I told the guy not to send that kind of stuff. He seemed to get into trouble, and was put on notice that that kind of stuff - especially through company email - was not OK.

I had another job once where the VP would come up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. I sat in a public area but a little off to the side. I felt very uncomfortable - yet flattered. I was a lot younger, then.

Another job where I witnessed a young woman singled out by the new owner of the company. She was married, yet he would call her into his office and close the door. He had another company and moved her over there when she became uncomfortable with all of us. Later, she sued him and I was a witness.

This kind of thing happens too often. It isn't being humble when we let these people do this and get away with it. They need to know that we don't go to work to have a sexual predator fondle us or make suggestive comments to us. We go to work to support our families. To support our kids. To support ourselves. We go to work to exercise our minds. Very few women I know go to work to find a sexual liaison with their boss.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wow - Starting a new venture

Well, I took a break from here while I branched out...

I stopped the political activities. It was personal. I got caught between three women who apparently have passive/aggressive anger toward each other. I was the vehicle used, and I didn't like it. I felt used in many ways. Glad I'm out of it. My mental health is better.


I did a wonderful guided meditation with my friend, Juile Daley in San Francisco. It was online. I found a wonderful part of me that I'd forgotten was there. If you get a chance to work with her, do it! You won't regret it. 


I had some medical tests that all proved nothing was going on - at least not in those areas. Still don't have any answers, but there are more tests coming.

I did about 3 weeks - maybe more - of physical therapy, but I've given it up. My balance hasn't been getting any better, so it's time to move to another form of exercise. For now.

I've found some fabulous percussion music on YouTube and since I can dance to just about any rhythmic music, I find it easy to dance to. That's exercise, too.

And of course, a 40 minute walk around walmart every so often also counts...


I started a new venture. I decided to focus on prediabetes (which I no longer have) and tell folks how I beat it. It took me about 2 weeks to get it going and I have 18 pages now. I've planned about 88, plus the recipes - about 1100 of them.

I'm setting up a paid weekly newsletter service that will include menus for 7 days with full recipes on the website - driving traffic. The newsletter will include an exercise each week and a full shopping list for the recipes of the week.

I hope to sell some supplements and gourmet spices along with some gentle affiliate marketing relationships.


My sister weathered the Santa Rosa Tubbs fire - at least so far. She's had a bad time of it lately, and I've been pretty concerned.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Imagine the Great American Eclipse

On this day of the Great American Eclipse, I bring you the best song I ever heard....

God bless us all. May we survive today.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Charlottesville, VA; Violence; Racism

I was raised in such a way as to accept people of color. Particularly black people. I wasn't around a lot of Hispanics, but Asians were local.

Later on, I had a problem with myself. I became intolerant of diversity.

I got angry that so many Hispanics didn't speak English in California, forgetting that the land belonged to Mexico before it ever became part of the United States. Southern Border states all have a disproportionate number of Spanish-speaking residents, partially due to immigration, but also due to preserving their culture. I didn't understand that at the time.

I also had difficulty with California publishing their ballots (voting being for citizens only) in so many differing languages, from Spanish to Korean to Vietnamese, Arabic and others... It grated on me.

I ended up leaving California for the wilds of northern Nevada, only to be faced with indigenous cultures in the form of Paiute and Washoe Indian tribes. I immersed myself in the culture of the Native Americans as much as I could, being a child of the 50s and a white female of uncertain financial means.

For over 16 years, I lived there, blissfully unaware of my growing racism, bigotry, and whiteness.

Then, I moved to east Tennessee. It was culture-shock, to be thrown in with mixed races, mixed heritage peoples. To be in an area that seemed so backwards to me when I was "out west" and find that all my preconceived notions were false, was a wake-up call. As I acclimated to the people, I found that even though Southerners speak slowly, and often with a drawl, they are not stupid, imbecilic, or "hillbilly hicks." Yes, I was pretty bigoted.

I also finished my formal education in Tennessee. There are world-class institutions around here. There is world-class scholarship around here. And yes, there is bigotry, small-mindedness and racism around here. I contended with a lot of it. And I challenged my own bigotry and racism in the process.

I don't know if some of it will ever go away, but I'm comfortable where I am, and I don't think I'm hurting anyone with my current views. I accept all colors, genders, religious, and political views. I do NOT support all political views, but I will defend anyone's right to express themselves in a calm and non-violent manner. I also don't support many of the religious views around here - but again, the Constitution, it's Amendments, and this Republic were based on freedom of religion, as well as freedom of speech. You can have your religion and opinion.

thompson quote on confederate flagSo, having said all that, the Charlottesville riots were a disgrace. The Confederate flag is not a symbol of freedom, but a symbol of oppression. Oppression of all people of color, of any "Other" religious or political view than the person flying that flag. AND it is a statement that the person wants to opt-out of the United States and our democracy. Confederate statues commemorating Jim Crow laws - which challenge the notion that all people are created equal - should be taken down. True monuments of the Civil War are few in comparison.

All "white-supremacy" attitudes are silly. Yes, silly! The first people on this planet were black. And hairy. We came out of Africa. Jesus was dark-skinned with brown eyes and dark hair. He was a from Gallilee - in Palestine. His heritage is Semitic, Jewish, Israelite, Hebrew.

So where do these people get off telling everyone that their religion and color of skin is better than everyone else's? We are all stardust, after all.

The attitudes of the alt-right and white supremacists are racist in nature and practice. That there is somehow a "pure" or "master" race on this planet - espoused by whites (not blacks) is ridiculous. The very term brings back memories of Nazi Germany - which has pretty much outlawed the "Social Democrat Party" which lent it's support to the Nazis. The violence surrounding this militant attitude, with guns and driving cars into crowds, is a mania driven by sickness of heart and spirit.

The sickness is from believing that one is superior and the world not treating you right. It comes out of a "not fair to me" attitude that is pure entitlement because of one's skin color. That is also stupid.

The world doesn't owe anyone anything. We earn it. If you aren't getting what you deserve, be grateful for mercy! You might just deserve a whole lot worse than you are getting. Remember that your treatment of the least is what God will judge you on. Not on your baptism, your skin color or your bank balance. If you want more, give more.

If one truly believes that there is a God who is forgiving and loving, that Jesus walked the earth and taught compassion, and does not do the same for every person one meets, then it is pure bigotry. I don't care what your pastor tells you about it, read the Bible for yourself.

I am not a Christian, yet I follow the teaching of Jesus. I'm not a Christian. Get that through your head. Yet, I follow the teachings of Jesus. I guess I could be called a Jesus-ian.

I recognize that people of color have a hard time of it. Much harder than I have. Systemic racism makes it really hard for them to make ends meet, stay out of jail, or even to stay alive.

I hold a place for people of color. I'm compassionate and giving to people of color. I have relationships with people of color. However, it will also always be true that people of color know more about the way I live than I do about them. They MUST know more about me in order to stay alive. For me, it's curiosity, compassion and friendliness, not a matter of life and death.

I continually fight my own bigtry and racism, entitlement and whiteness. I question my place in the world.

Violence only begets violence. Hatred only begets hatred. Bigotry only begets isolation from your fellow man. Bigotry kills compassion. There is not one person on this planet who couldn't use a little more compassion. Not one. Not even that imbecile voted into the White House in 2016.

There is never a time when violence is acceptable. Not in the home, and not in the streets. And never, ever, in the cause of bigotry or racism.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Senior Services Website

I'm building a website to network caregivers with seniors in the Tri-Cities area. The annual fee to access the caregiver list is $30/yr. To list yourself as a caregiver or provider is free. I need $500 to set up and start the website.

This is spurred by an article I read in "The Atlantic"  about seniors aging in place. The cost of nursing homes is exorbitant, and most folks don't want to go to one. If we can network providers as outlined in the article, maybe we can help our local seniors.

Please read the article. If you want to donate, any amount is accepted. I'll take down the link to donate once the $500 goal is met.

I'm going to make it like the Knox Country Senior Services Directory (an amazing resource in it's own right!) but put it online for the Tri-Cities area.

One of the points the article makes is that these networks are mostly in urban areas, not suburban or rural areas. So this will be directed toward our semi-rural area of the Tri-Cities.

Drivers, house cleaners, cooks, readers, people who will check on seniors...
Anyone is welcome to sign up as a provider.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How I See the Spirit World

This post will seem strange to some folks. Others may identify with me or find in it a similar worldview to their own.

WARNING - This worldview is not for the faint of heart. It places extreme responsibility on the individual.....

The way I see spirit world, I begin with reincarnation. I believe in it. I believe that we come back many times - at least once in each 10-day (1/3) section of each zodiac sign. That makes a minimum of 36 lives. Each 10-day section of each sign is called a "decan." Sometimes, I think maybe we have a birthday on each day of the year, including leap day (Feb. 29). Each day of the year has different zodiacal influences.

Then, we have lessons to learn. We choose the lessons we are going to learn in each life before we incarnate. By selecting our parents, our birth circumstances, and the trials we will experience (the lessons we will learn), whether good or bad; are all chosen prior to birth. These lessons may occur in any or all of the decans. So, each lesson may need to be repeated 36 times or more.

Then, there's Karma. Karma is like a balance sheet. We give and we get. What we give out, we receive back. The bad things must be righted, and the fortunate things are reapings from past giving. Good or bad, giving or taking.

Finally, suicide is terribly bad. When one commits suicide, one is not only giving up on his or her life, but is refusing to learn the lessons chosen for that life. That means that the soul will have to come back and complete the lessons. Only the next time, the lessons will be more severe. It's the price of suicide. The 2x4 becomes a baseball bat. The baseball bat becomes a girder. It augments the power of the lesson. For this reason, suicide is not an option. It is never really an option, anyway.

These conditions, begin our journey. As we live our lives, we blame others for the things "they do to us" even though we likely chose the lesson we were given. Sometimes, we may also receive Karmic debt payments (good or bad).

For instance, my parents weren't really prepared to be parents. I chose their type of unpreparedness. My mother was mentally ill. I chose to have that influence. My father was emotionally and physically distant. Then, I was abused in several ways as a child, and I chose those lessons. The abuse and life conditions gave me a certain resilience and an empathy for others.

For many years, I "blamed" other people for the things I experienced as a child. However, I've had this worldview of the spirit world for many, many years. I experienced the cognitive dissonance that blaming and my worldview - in direct opposition - produced. As a result, I've had therapy for many years, until I had a paradigm shift and things moved into alignment.

I had a "breakthrough" and realized that the blaming had to go. Not only did I have to let go of blaming, I also had to forgive myself for choosing this life.

I don't understand why I chose these lessons or what they are preparing me for, but I'm sure that it will become apparent to me before I leave this life.

Yeah, a big change in my life just occurred. I can stop resenting myself for these lessons. I can forgive myself for choosing them. I can also grow up and incorporate the lessons into my psyche. That means I can stop hurting myself with all the self-destructive behaviors I've indulged for over 40 years.

The lessons are not the important thing in our lives. What is important is what we take away and how we respond to things. I've heard it said that "what other people do to/for me isn't as important as how I react (emotionally) to these events." I believe this is true. Our emotional responses are the real lessons we take with us into the next incarnation - or into Nirvana.

 Nirvana is a kind of blissful state where we are reunited with all the parts of our spirit and god into one. It's a "final resting place," if you will...

That's it in a nutshell. I'd be happy to discuss this with anyone on a one-to-one basis. However, don't try to "convert" me to your religion. I'm over that. I won't try to convert you, either, OK?

Saturday, May 13, 2017

94 Questions

I found a list of questions to ask when developing a character for writing fiction on another website (Writers Write) and thought it would be good to ask those questions of ourselves. A good introspective tool....

I will not list the questions here, since I hope you will visit Amanda Patterson's page. However, I hope you will print out the questions and try to answer them for yourself. Take your answers to your counselor or mentor or spiritual advisor afterwords and talk it over.

Questioning who we are, what we were like at different stages of our lives, what we believe, and honoring those we loved best at different times is a good way to see how far we've come (or not) in our development as spiritual beings on the planet.

A good memory certainly helps this process. And if you have parents, ask them the questions, too. You will learn a lot about your history that you probably didn't know. And the phrasing of the questions helps to flush out the family history and put things in perspective.  

Some of the questions are pretty simple...

Who do I love most? For myself, my cats are my closest companions, while I have a few people I call friends whom I've known over 30 years. Some I've known over 40 years, I consider more family than friends. Then, there are the new friends whom I've known less than 10 years. They are like a breath of air from another part of the world. But close loves? That's private, and yes, the answer has changed over time.

The foods I like to eat have also changed somewhat. I still love Italian cuisine, although I change up my sauce every so often, depending on what's in the cupboard. I also like to experiment in the kitchen. Have I always been like that? No. Although I used to bake a lot more than I do today. And my love of hot, spicy foods has tamed a bit. Although I'm still up for a good, hot salsa! The curries are less, and the chiles are more. Go figure....

Have my hobbies changed over the years? Somewhat. I am less physical than I used to be, and I miss it. I particularly miss camping and hiking. My body betrays me when I get too physical, and I end up unable to move for several days. As much as I love the great outdoors, I have to be careful anymore. And horseback riding is out, although boating and swimming are still good choices. I still sew and crochet. My hands aren't as eager for the precision work of Clones Lace, but I try.

Have I traveled? Have I lost something dear? Has fate played with me? These are questions that need answers for each of us. The lessons learned are also questioned in the list. HOW was I affected? WHY is this significant for me?  By answering that, we learn more.

There is a section on the spiritual aspect of life, too. Answer those as best you can. 

Really, this exercise, while designed for fiction writers, has been invaluable for me!

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Land of Oz?

I grew up in the land of OZ. Where appearances and faces mattered. The depth and soul was unspoken and hidden.

We had a death in the apartment building last week. There’s a truck downstairs, being the first of the next month, organizing and removing the contents of the deceased’s apartment. We had the coroner here to investigate against nefarious acts. It was likely just a fall or a death in sleep, seeing as how this building is filled with senior citizens. 

In Oz, there are no old people. The lined and wizened Wizard is the only face we see with character. All the other faces are studied, chiseled, or otherwise just “fruity” in their appearance.  The inhabitants of Oz will “dye their eyes to match their shoes” which is just like Hollywood used to be. The land of enchantment , where everyone wanted to go; the magnet of the southern California dream.  Movies, television, stardom.

There was so little of substance that a Friday night football game for the local high school was drowned in the magic of the “Opening” of the week. The critics, the press, the fame. The mile-long limousines dropping off their passengers in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater in a long procession.  

Hollywood and Vine. Max Factor. Revlon, behind its red door. The magic of make-up and wardrobe to change the appearance of a woman from young and lovely to old and haggard for the right part. The hairdressers who changed your hairstyle or made your wigs for the part next week or the week after that. The bit parts, the extra scenery, the crowds. 

We never dealt with death, there. We never thought about the end of life. It was “poof” and the wicked old witch was dead. “I’m melting! I’m melting!” No one talked about what to do with the chair or the couch or the TV or the books. What about the beloved, old, moth-eaten sweater that her mother gave her when she had her first child 50-some years ago? Or that horrid vase that she kept as a memento of their honeymoon trip? When a star passes, their estate goes public, all their possessions are brought to light. The hidden and the well-known. 

What about the seniors in this building and other buildings like it? A few pans, maybe a blanket or quilt. Mobility devices, old and smelly clothes. Shoes that no one wants. The wedding set may still be on her finger. More likely, it’s been given away, or put away in a box on the dresser.  The rest of her jewelry will be plastic, glass and plated. “Nothing of value, here, folks. Move along!” 

But evidence of a life. Some well-lived, some marking time. The appearance of the thing is everything. A little lipstick, a comb through the hair, and we venture forth, into the public eye. The loneliness, the emptiness; these we never share, never expose to the light. Until our deaths. 

Age and wisdom aren’t valued anymore. I remember my mother lamenting turning 35, and the dating pool drying up. It isn’t about dating or mating. It’s about the wisdom of what we’ve learned that we must pass on.  When there’s no one to pass it on to? We die and the things we knew die as well. Who will remember her best friend from first grade? Who will remember her grandfather, and the stories he told? 

We lose our history when someone dies. The writers are free to change what our children learn in school. That the moon landing never took place., that the Holocaust was a joke, that WWI was fought over land, that Viet Nam was a just war.  We lose so much.  

So, when you hear someone say “Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain!” you wonder what they are talking about. How can that be? You see the suit, the trappings. But look inside. Look for the substance behind the mask. Look below the surface. Take off the make-up and see the real thing. 

We don’t live in the Land of Oz.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Writing Progress and Life

I'm in the editing phase of my new book. I ordered three proof copies and sent two out to my "first readers" for comments and suggestions. I've done my own copy and updated the file. The cover was messed up so I had to re-do that, as well. Not surprising. A new essay was also included.

I'm working on the next in the series. I figured out what I wanted to say and how to organize it, which has been an issue for this project. It looks like four books in a series I call "The Patriarchy Series" which begins with questioning everything I've been taught as a woman. The second book is in the first draft phase, and will be about "Deconstructing Patriarchy" - looking at the laws and components that make up patriarchy. I'll be referring to the first work, or I may move one of the essays from there to the second book. Not sure on all of it yet. I need to finish the draft of all four volumes to be concrete with how things lay out and where things are included.

At least I'm writing again. Once I put the components on paper, writing became much easier. I had direction and a framework. All my "essay generator" lists started to fall into place and form.

I'm thinking about a glossary, too. There are terms that would be helpful to the reader.

Eventually, I'd like to publish this all in one volume. At that point it would be the wonderful reader for Women's Studies programs and law schools around the country. Perhaps even around the world. It depends on how much I can put into it and where things fit.


Kitty and I are still learning each other, and she's begun to trust me a little more. We've established a routine. She comes sometimes when I call her over for cuddles. She chooses my lap for a perch at least once each day. She still doesn't like having her belly rubbed, but her bites are more warning than hurtful. She also kitty-bites with kisses.... Nice when that happens. She purrs a lot more than she did when she came home with me. Her claws are just now grown out from being trimmed so far back in December. I bet that hurt. She even lets me brush her a bit. She still eats more wet food than is good for her and has to be pushed to eat her dry food. And she is highly motivated by meals. If this continues much longer, her weight will drive me to consult the vet about her hunger. It's almost like she has worms, but there is no bloating. She IS putting on weight, which is to be expected. I've taken several photos and posted them on Facebook.

My health issues are getting defined so that I will be able to get the help I need to do what I want to do with my twilight years - write a lot more.... It turns out that when I hit the windshield when I was 9 years old, it was a lot more severe than anyone knew. With no medical care at the time, (I was told nothing and given analgesics), so that when the damage started showing up a few years later, nobody knew or understood what was going on - least of all myself. Well, now I know, and I'm seeking diagnosis and assistance - over 50 years later. Hey! Don't judge! Seatbelts were a luxury item on only some cars, and mom was in the middle of her divorce. I don't blame her for not realizing how serious the injury was - so why should you? There was no blood....

And I'm finally losing some weight. Not because of the mental issues and emotional eating disorder control, but because of some physical issues. I had another colonoscopy because of my back pain when I'm constipated. Turns out they can help me with a nasty and grainy drink that  fixes a lot of the issues I've been having. So, because of strict eating schedules to accommodate the new meds, my weight is reducing. I'm still grabbing the salty snacks, but not as often. And my cholesterol is going down as a side effect. So far, there's no decision on the back pain, though.

Alanon is a blessing. A strange blessing, to be sure, but a blessing. Who knew all the damage that living with an alcoholic could do? The changes in behaviors and character in those who live (or have lived) with an alcoholic are immense. Much more than I ever suspected. Growth in this area is freeing, if difficult to do in the moment.

Politics? I'm on three committees with the TNDP and I will be doing their website - eventually - when the new logo is available. Meanwhile, I look forward to working on a float for the parades around here, participating in picnics and fund raising activities, and tracking issues in the local government bodies. That last one is boring, but really helpful, since I want to see the states (all 50 of 'em) pass laws about political donations and retirement benefits of past elected officials. I think if the states pass laws to fix some of the things that the federal government is refusing to address, we can effect change from the bottom-up.  I will NOT be running for office. It turns out that my insides won't go there. Panic attacks and such. However, I regularly contact all my elected officials and write letters to the editor of our local paper (none published so far).

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Growing Back Into Myself

I had a great session with my therapist yesterday, clearing out a lot of garbage from my childhood. Not a lot of insight, but a lot of clearing the air. I told some secrets, and allowed him to get to know me. We talked about my growing up in Los Angeles and why I have the insights I do into the area and industries of Los Angeles. We talked a little about my schooling, and where I hung out as a kid.

That work cleared the way for a lot of stuff today. I want to be the person I was meant to be, instead of the person I was expected to be by all those folks who "knew me when." That means I need to go within.

I also want to be more in touch with my spirit. So, I'm taking today to re-connect with myself.

We talked a little about Deepak Chopra. He was on PBS over the weekend, and it was kind of like a powerpoint presentation - slides with words on them, narrated by Deepak Chopra. Interesting, and I yelled at the TV a couple of times. He gets it almost, but not quite, right.

I don't know where it comes from, exactly, but perhaps my training: Instead of being so worried about and interested in "how the world affects one," take a look instead at "how one affects the world."

Thoughts are physical things. A person with enough mental and emotional energy can effect a deep change in the world. That's why I listen when the Dalai Lama speaks. He has that energy. What he says makes a change in the ether of the unverse.

The Catholic Pope may want to be that effective, but each Pope is imbued with only his human spirit, and while he may want to be larger and have a deeper effect, the Dalai Lama seems to have the energy and the Pope does not.

While the Pope is supposed to be the re-embodiment of Peter, it doesn't always work that way. He's supposed to be touched by the Holy Spirit (whether I believe it or not, my thought isn't where it counts).  I think the Catholic Church lost something along the way.

So, getting away from that debate, let's look at the individual.

When a person, individual person, has a deep desire for something, the way a person thinks about that desire is important, but the desire itself has energy. The way a person thinks about the desire (lack or attraction) will effect the universe in such a way to repel or attract. Thinking "lack" produces more lack. Thinking "attraction" produces more attraction. So thoughts are physical and have a physical manifestation in the ether of the universe, which then becomes material in the material universe.

Deep shit, right? But it's true, too.

So, I decided to look at what I want to see my world reflect back to me. No, I don't like what I see today. But I know that my thoughts put this stuff into action. It's one of the laws of creation. So, my fear, brought about by my concentrating on what I feared, manifested that thing, bringing about today's world. Everybody can do this. It isn't rocket science. Let me see if I can simplify this....

If I fear being broke (lack of funds), I worry about being without and concentrate on my lack. By concentrating on my lack of funds I bring about more lack because I can't let go and share my meager purse, which might allow more to come in. It becomes worse because I cannot invest in the future or even the present. Eventually, I stagnate with nothing.

It's a self-defeating and self-creating circle. It feeds on itself and grows bigger....

Let's turn it around....

I desire abundance, and I notice the abundance coming into my life and express gratitude. I share my abundance and I feel gratitude that I have abundance I can share so my abundance multiplies. This abundance might be funds, food, shelter, clothes or anything else.

This is how I grow in a different direction. In no way do I even notice lack in the second example....

The universe fills a void. It rushes into the vacuum. Where we concentrate, that is the vacuum. So, what vacuum do I want filled?

Today, I am looking at who I want to be in the world I want to see around me. That's another spiritual law, to "act as if" something was already manifest....

IF my world had no Donald Trump in it;
IF my world had a Congress that worked for the people;
IF my world provided a decent living for all it's citizens;
IF universal, cradle-to-grave healthcare were a reality for all persons;
IF my world had a beautiful environment that included clear skies and clean water;
IF my world were truly a loving, safe, and benevolent place;
IF war did not exist;
IF there were no people trying to hurt other people;
IF women, men, and LGBTQ persons were all equal in the sight of law and religion;
IF race and ancestry was ignored by all;
IF money had never been invented;
IF (fill in your blank);

I would be. _______________________

This is my task today. To become more of that unknown quantity....

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Case for Special Elections

Our Representatives have decided that they no longer represent us. Instead, they represent the corporations who made them rich. Our government is no longer a Republic, instead it is now a Corporatocracy. By refusing to meet with us in Town Halls across the country, they made it clear that they don't want to be told what to do or how to vote. That was a mistake. We voted them in and we can vote them out.

Just because it is the custom of the land to hold elections at a certain time, doesn't mean that we must hold elections only at that time. We can call for special elections anytime we deem it necessary. We don't have to accept appointed persons to offices - we can insist that an election be held and that our voices be heard.

Other countries around the world exercise the right of special elections when they lose confidence in their government. I say that we should call for a special election in the USA. Now, today. Call for an election for federal representatives because they are no longer listening to the people who sent them to Washington. The government does not tell the people what to do - instead the people tell the government what to do.

If this is revolution, then so be it. I'm sure that all across the United States, there are people unhappy enough with their representatives that this could take hold. We already march and attend town halls and call our representatives. Why not hold an election. The persons we send do not have to step up and volunteer to run. They don't need to be rich or famous. The only requirement is that they swear to uphold the laws of the country and represent us, carrying our voice to Washington. We would hope that they are willing and honest.

We don't need government representatives to call an election. We can recall who we send to Washington at any time. We have that right. We the people can send out paper ballots to every person through printed media and collect those ballots to be counted at every courthouse across the nation. We don't need government to run our elections.

I call on every citizen of this country to call for an election in their town. If the representatives we sent won't uphold the law and represent us, then they will be replaced.

As for the farce in the White House, I say lock the doors and unplug the phones. If white supremacy is what they want, and Russian interference is what they insist upon, send them to Moscow. We don't want them on our soil.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Resistance Resources

I haven't posted in a while. I've been garnering resources, hitting the senators on the phone, and calling, calling, calling....

Here are some websites that you may find helpful...

The book "Grassroots" by Baumgartner and Richards, ISBN: 978-0374528652

Call every single day. Make your call about ONE issue only. You may have to call more than once. If the phones are busy, keep trying. After 3 attempts, email through the contact form on their websites. If you still don't feel like you are being heard, call the congressional switchboard and go to their local offices. Sit there until you are seen and heard and your concerns are addressed. Be respectful to the office staff, and don't become abusive. Just take up space. Over and over again if needed. You will be heard. You will be treated respectfully, or they lose their jobs. If you are arrested, record everything you can until your phone is taken away. Be sure you have an automatic upload of all recordings and pictures for your phone, so even if your phone is destroyed, you can publicize things.

If your city has an office for the party you support, make yourself known and get involved. Attend meetings and gather information for yourself. 

Speaker Paul Ryan's home address:
He took his phones off the hook when his office was flooded with calls. You can still call him at his office.

Congressional switchboard phone number:
Program this into your phone. It's always useful. If the offices are flooded with calls, flood the switchboard with calls.

If you don't know who your representatives are, check here by zip code:

I'm in Tennessee, so here is my list...

Special Committee on Aging
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Committee on the Budget
Committee on Foreign Relations
DC   202-224-3344
FAX 202-228-0566
Chattanooga 423-756-2757 (main office)
 DC Office -- 425 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C., 20510
Tri-Cities Office -- 1105 East Jackson Boulevard Suite 4
Jonesborough, TN 37659
Main: 423-753-2263
Fax: 423-753-3679

Committee on Appropriations
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Committee on Rules and Administration
Washington Office
455 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4944
Fax: (202) 228-3398
TTY: (202) 224-1546
Tri-Cities Office
Tri-Cities Regional Airport
2525 Highway 75
Suite 101
Blountville, TN 37617
Phone: (423) 325-6240
Fax: (423) 325-6236

    Veterans affairs committee
Washington DC Office:
336 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-6356
fax: (202) 225-5714
Kingsport Office:
205 Revere Street
Kingsport, TN 37660
Phone: (423) 247-8161
fax: (423) 247-0119

As you see, I've listed the committees they are on so I can keep abreast of what they are working on. Once you figure out when the committees meet (there is a set schedule), you can pester your representative to vote the way you want on the bills in committee. Be sure to express not only your opinion but ask questions you want to be answered on any bills in committee. That's what committees are for - investigating the long-term effects and costs of all bills presented for consideration and vote.