Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ok, yeah, I know - it's all in my reaction...

My neighbor is driving me up a tree!

I appreciate her help during the last 6 weeks, when I was unable to do anything, and her changing my dressing - That was something I just couldn't do myself...

But I'm wearing really thin! She's my neighbor, not my friend. There's a difference...

I've been unable to mow the lawn. It got really tall, so I asked her son to mow it and we agreed on a price. He had other things to do for 2 days, my lawn kept getting taller. I'd already found another person to do it - but he finally got it done - with his mom's help.

I'd offered to the kid as a way to teach pride of work. He's got a special-ed HS diploma, now, but still can't get this concept.

Why did mom step in? Can you spell co-dependency??? Now I can see why her marriage broke up. Putting the kids before the marriage relationship breaks up a marriage faster than money troubles or adultery!!!

On top of this little episode, the kid sets his alarm for 4AM and puts it right next to the window. It wakes me up. We have 20 feet between the houses, but his alarm wakes me up. EVERY DAMN MORNING!!! I've said something before, but if he doesn't move it, I'll break it. I'm tired and I need my sleep.

On top of all this, the woman keeps coming over every day. I need my space. It's my house, and I'm tired, unemployed looking for work, and my house looks like a tornado hit it. I'm fighting fleas and just generally don't want company.

So, it all boils down to me. I need to set boundaries again. I didn't feel comfortable while building this house - I felt like she was sitting like a spider, waiting to ambush me every time I came over to work. She is a total time-waster. I got the point across then, and I can do it again.

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