Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finally getting better & kitchen fire

I'm finally getting better, I guess. I don't like the new pain med. It doesn't seem to work at all, and it was a bit expensive. I've gone back to Ibuprophen, and movement. That seems the best combination right now.

I'm feeling better also because I'm getting my house cleared up a little bit. I had a little fire in the kitchen last night. I thought I'd turned off the stove top and instead I'd turned it to high. The knobs don't have a definite click when you hit the off position, and what off position there is, is very narrow. So, anyway, I had a little grease fire, that only ruined a pan and made a mess. Nothing else burned.

However - the pan was a teflon pan, and the fumes are deadly!!! Man! I'm getting rid of all my teflon after this. We had a storm overnight, so I couldn't open windows to air the place out. I've got them open now, though. And I turned on the fan on the A/C unit (not the cooler), and my one ceiling fan, both going high speed.

I've asked a friend to recommend someone to smudge the house. This is the third or fourth "accident" in this house since I moved in - 8 months ago. It's a brand new house - nobody has ever lived in it before. I have issues with it, and those are being addressed. However, it's like the place is cursed or something. Maybe the land underneath??? I used to know of a neighborhood built on top of an indian graveyard - all kinds of weird stuff happened there. Maybe something similar is happening here...

On another subject - "Money!"
I've had to temporarily stop working with the Census because of my health issues. It's nice to have that paycheck, but it was just too hard for me to do. Maybe as I get better, I'll do it some more.

Neither of the 2 quotes I sent out came back positive (yet) but other stuff is happening. It's a challenge, but I know that I'm being cared for by the universe.

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