Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sore Throat...

I've been using my nose spray the last few nights and actually sleeping better! Who knew that's what the problem was. As a nice side effect, I have a scratchy throat today. I know that's what it is, because I always get a scratchy throat from this stuff. It burns going in, and gives me a sore throat. But I can breathe...

Trade offs, right?

I've either been majorly distracted or something else equally as devastating; because I made a major gaffe at work late yesterday. This one is solidly my clumsiness. I'm not sure what else I can do to fix it. Nothing from my boss, yet.

Anyway you look at it, this one is going to cost me. Some kind of fallout is sure.

I just hope I'm not fired over it. Yeah, it's that serious.

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