Monday, December 7, 2009

NOT Grateful!

I've been trying to be grateful for this house. One shouldn't have to TRY to be grateful for something this nice.

HOWEVER, living here is not the same. There are "issues" that need to be fixed, and are not getting fixed.

I have a light plugged in to the outlet in my bedroom - it's one of those touch-lights...

Everytime it rains or my neighbor's AC unit comes on, the light comes on and off.

I have water going under the soffit, getting into the attic. Not yet fixed.

I have air in the hot water tap in my bath. Don't know if there's a leak yet.

I have a microwave, yes, it's under 10 yrs old, and it's big. BUT, it works just fine, and was just serviced 8 months ago. It blows the kitchen outlets about every 3rd time I use it.

I'm supposed to have a home warranty, and all this crap is warranteed. I'm not getting my warranty repairs! I've complained and complained. I don't know what to do next.

Stuff they WON'T fix...

The carpet was supposed to be a very dark charcoal, and it's silvery blue.

The driveway needs to be cut out and moved because it's in the middle of the backyard, instead of on the side. I can't put up any privacy fencing with any privacy, because you can see right into my bedroom. I also can't plant anything in the back yard until this is done.

For the record, I told the head of construction before we ever started, that I wanted the house on one side of the lot instead of in the middle. It's in the middle. He totally blew me off.

I've been trying to find gratitude, but it's become another shaming thing. I feel like I'm should-ing on myself. That's just not healthy.

I talked to my sponsor, and a trusted friend. We'll get this fixed - eventually. I just hope that the warranty stuff gets paid for by the contractor - Habitat for Humanity - not me.

I wonder if other Habitat offices have clients (home owners) with this kind of problem?

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