Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Work -

It's been a complete bust, looking for work. There is nothing out there. I'm now signed up with another agency, where I'd submitted my resume, and they called. That's good, right?

I have a large task today - go downtown for a few hours.

I need to get my meds - so that is an important stop...
My books are due at the library, and not all of them were read, so some have to be renewed...
I'm applying at the UT HR dept, for their temp pool...

I should be downtown for about 3-4 hours. I need to find parking that is close to a shuttle stop, and won't take all my cash. I need to carry all my stuff (books, work-search file, purse) and not be bogged down by too much stuff. I need to wear good shoes, so I can walk comfortably.

I can get my meds on the way back home. The biggest issue is to remember my checkbook, for those. So, take that out now and get it into my purse...

So, off I go! Wish me luck... I need it right now.

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