Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Been sick again...

A whopping 5 days in bed! High fevers, delerium, unable to eat or drink, got dehydrated of course, and even had thoughts of waking on the other side...

I've been drinking electrolyte drinks for the last several days, and eating PBJ, as that seems to be the only thing I can handle. Chicken soup was too much for me.

I was up for several hours yesterday after the fever broke, but I was so exhausted, that I slept another 13 hours. I'm finally up and about, and reasonably functional.

Did anyone get the number on that truck???

I closed the door on the phone so it would quit waking me up, and I didn't check e-mail during my illness. I had over 130 e-mails in one account, and several in each of the others...

Sorry, but I had to check out for a few days....

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