Sunday, December 4, 2016


OK. I'm a coward. I accept it. I want to die at ground zero in the first blast, not linger with radiation sickness for weeks. I don't like pain.

I don't watch news much, or pay attention to all the hate and anger in the world. Not because I am immune to it, but because it triggers so much anxiety and pain in me. I act out of fear and pain after a dose of "reality" and the news. I live as though I am the one throwing the stone and the one have the stone hit me. I see both sides. It's exhausting, so I choose to ignore as much as I can. But at the same time, I can't just condone what I see going on around me by inaction. I must stand up to things and object to things.

So, I see Donald Trump turning his back on the people who voted for him by every word and deed. We used to put people like him away. He's a danger to himself and others. Now, we applaud him - well not me, but people around me do...

So, I see a world in which a complete fraud has been perpetrated on the US of A. It sickens me. The "draining of the swamp" is instead packing it full of the very vultures who have the most to gain. They've already gained a lot.

But a fraud is a fraud is a fraud. The Emperor has no clothes. He's running around naked and everyone is acting like it's all OK. It isn't OK. Things are not right.

People like Trump used to be hauled off in straitjackets to the looney bin. That's where he belongs. He's insane.

Unfortunately for the rest of us, he is the head of the country - or on his way to becoming that.

We already have proven voter fraud in 5 machines. The seals have been tampered with and the votes nullified. All the votes. We need not just a recount, but a re-vote with UN oversight. In the four states where there is fraud, we need to do this. Not universally. Give a week for all the early voters, everybody who voted, to vote again. Three UN overseers in each polling place, and strict control of the machines.

Let's see what really goes on. Trump may not be the winner. His swamp may be drained well, yet.

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