Sunday, December 25, 2016

Why I Blog Against Trump

I was thinking about why I do this in the face of relative anonymity while putting myself in harm's way....

It's a moral imperative. "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing."
Whether first stated by Edmund Burke, Charles Aked or John F. Kennedy, the quote is how I feel. I need to speak up and point out inconsistencies, illegalities, and manipulation. It's what I was educated to do.

I took Women's Studies. It is misnamed because the study is really about developing a social and political conscience.  It makes me pay attention and have an informed opinion about things. It taught me to research the assumptions, not swallow them whole. It taught me to think for myself. That's always dangerous to people in power.

If one doesn't remember history, one is doomed to repeat it.Nazi Germany didn't come out of nowhere. It was an economic reality caused by the treaty of Versailles after WWI, combined with a seeming lack of power by the populace. That sounds very familiar today. Instead of blaming the bankers and 1%, we, the other 99%, have been deflected to Muslims. "Divide and conquer" is an old strategy. It works. We've been divided and are looking for scapegoats, instead of paying attention to the real causes of our distress.

I'm also a minister in an obscure religious sect. That gives me a certain leeway to express my opinions. I don't have a "church" or "congregation" because I don't care to follow that path. I counsel and educate. That's my ministry. 

My tax status is that of an ordinary person. I have no tax breaks or special deductions. I file my tax paperwork every year just like the majority of citizens do, and make sure it's in by April 15th. If I owe anything, I pay.  I generally get a small refund. 

I hope to build a local business this coming year. That's all I will say on it at the moment since it's in the planning stages.  My vocal response to Trump may cause that to remain an unrealized dream.

So, speaking out is what I feel I need to do. It's important that I do not remain silent. No race or creed is responsible for this situation. No one group of people caused this mess. We all did. I will point out when we need to correct our course. That's what I feel called to do.

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