Friday, December 16, 2016

The Case for Trump Being Mentally Ill

I don't personally know Donald Trump. I don't need to. I've known too many people just like him over my lifetime.

It's an unfortunate truth of my life that I've known many persons with antisocial disorders. My mother had borderline personality disorder. My first husband was a "paranoid schizophrenic" and was quite volatile. My last husband was also inflicted with an antisocial personality disorder and gaslighted me. I knew a  woman who gaslighted me by saying I must have lied when she was the one who lied and tried to back out of the things she said and did. My mother also did that.

I am an empath. I'm a target for people with antisocial disorders.

My mother and I could never communicate because I didn't realize we weren't speaking the same language. English is my first language, as it was hers. However, there are so many words with multiple meanings and meanings that are implied without being spoken in the English language, that we could not communicate - mother and daughter, or not.

So, I am uniquely qualified to see these behaviors in a manipulative, narcissistic individual with megalomaniac tendencies when he or she comes to my attention. Therefore, I feel it is my duty to point out to others, who may not see or recognize the truth of things. I'm not a doctor or therapist, although I have a distinct way of understanding people of all walks of life. I put myself "in their shoes" by using my empathy. I see many sides of the every argument, so I rarely get into them.

Yet, I'm at odds with the world today because Trump is so far into the antisocial spectrum and seems to be fooling so many people. I know what he's doing. I can follow each step of the way and even anticipate some of his moves. I can identify each piece of the puzzle.

As with all antisocial personalities, the ones who see the tendencies are put in a position of defense. The antisocial person uses his charisma and manipulative skills to turn others against the empath. It's part of the skillset they are born with or learn along the way.

If you do any kind of research at all, you will find this to be true. I suggest you read "The Empathy Trap" by Jane McGregor. It explains this co-existence and the game to the uninitiated. Yes, it's dangerous, and yes, it's deadly. Recovery from the manipulation and gaslighting dished out by the antisocial person can make the victim commit suicide. I know, because I almost did.

In the case of Donald Trump, he's manipulated his way into the white house. At least within spitting distance as of this writing. The Electoral College still has to confirm him, which will take place in less than three days. Or not.

I hope not. I hope they (the EC) will make another choice. I don't particularly like some of the alternatives, but even if I don't like them, they are less dangerous than Trump.

Now, Ms. Kellyanne Conway has said that anyone who criticizes Donald Trump will have to "face the consequences" for that. Well, I for one welcome their efforts to dole out consequences. That will show the world just who and what they elected. I know I'm on the firing line in this. I'm not the only one. I call out "conflict of interest" or "unconstitutional" or "against the law" on a regular basis. However, those labels are responses to research done by others.

When I talk about Trump's personality disorder, that is based on personal experience. I recognize it because I've lived it. I don't wish for anyone to live through what I did. Yet, we as a country are living the beginning stages of it right now. If that puts me on the firing line with the Trump administration, so be it. They may try to shut me up, but I hope my words live on regardless of their actions. I hope my words spread to every corner of the world.

I have not and will not "threaten" Trump. That's not my job. I only hope he does not take possession of the highest office of this country. He will hand everything over to Putin and destroy our sovereignty and safety. He will allow our economy to collapse by his behaviors and lack of understanding. He will allow this country to be held ransom by anyone and everyone who ever had dealings with his businesses. He will ignore every cautionary message from the people who are in place to keep us all safe. All because he thinks he's smarter than everyone else. That is pure hogwash!

There is NO person who is smart enough to know everything! Only God can know everything. And Donald Trump is not God! He just thinks he is.

THAT is mental illness.

There is a "letter to electors"  that was published recently. This letter outlines the public policy reasons that Trump should not be in office. Whether the electors choose Trump or not, the list is daunting. Add that to his mental illness, and you have a man dangerous to the globe, not just America.

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