Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Liver Health

I did a liver cleanse last weekend. It wasn't near as bad as I expected it to be. I didn't pass as many gallstones as I expected, but I'll do another one in 2 weeks (right at Christmas, of course!) and that should get the rest of them. The largest one I saw was less than 1/4" diameter.

Amazingly, my cravings were immediately gone. I mean, no more craving sweets or salt. None! That evening, there was the Pathfinder's dinner, at which I ate lightly. I got a little heartburn, and I'm still trying to figure out why. It doesn't seem to be bread. I think it's butter or fats. If I don't have any fat in the meal, I'm OK. Even an apple with cheese is fine. I had some of my soup, and the bread came back on me - but that could be the garlic butter on it. A little heartburn, but not much. Nothing like what I was experiencing a week ago.

I lost 6 pounds altogether over the fast and cleanse. Not a lot of weight, but I wasn't really looking for that. I'm sure that was mostly water, too.

Cutting the cravings is a major milestone. One more cleanse, and my liver will be working more quickly to detox my body. That should make me feel batter. The other symptoms I was beginning to exhibit are also gone.

My skin isn't all that much better, but my digestion is. The pain over my liver is still there, but it's much less. My nails are gone. They will have to grow back before I can tell any difference. They were short, but started splitting anyway. They just tore off. They go through that regularly, but I know it's not right. That is a symptom of my overall health condition.

At least I'm making progress, not sitting still.

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