Thursday, April 1, 2010


I planted up the Asparagus yesterday. I didn't do it quite "by the book" as I need large bins, and used short ones. Oh well...

I also set up some planters for strawberries and stevia. That was all I had in me to do yesterday. I have more planting mix, humus and planters, along with a lot more seeds. I got some 5-gallon buckets for the tomatoes, but they all have gunk in them. Maybe I'll toss them and get some pristine ones from the Home Depot later today. I need at least 6, with tomato cages to go in them and a bag of soil each. That's for the 6 tomato plants for this year.

There's no way I can get everything into the ground this year. Just no way I can do it, with the soil conditions, my health, the surgery, and everything. So, this is a viable alternative.

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