Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Broken Economy or Corporate Greed?

I've been listening to the reports - that this or that industry is "too big" to fail. Well, I think that if 3 companies are the only players in that industry, then there is a wonderful opportunity to tear it apart.

We have "anti-trust" laws in this country. If something is too big to fail, then it needs to be broken down to smaller bits - so that if one part fails it doesn't take the entire industry with it. This means that the auto industries need to be broken down to smaller bits.

Parts, that can be used for autos, planes, trains, and your lawnmower, should all be made by the same companies - maybe 5 or 6 companies. These parts houses will NOT make body parts, design cars or engines or what not.

Body design and styling can be done by a fashion house. The same folks who design our clothing. The colors can be made by the same folks that make our housepaint instead of some specialized company division at the big-three.

Now, the design work. That can be farmed out to the same folks who mess with your e-mail skin. Those over-paid, under-worked programmers that are hired at Microsoft. They have nothing better to do than mess with the e-mail program, so give them a real job in an entirely new industry! I bet those propeller-heads can come up with some really green car engines, that spit out water or oxygen as a by-product instead of CO2.

How's that for a jobs project? Put folks to work in industries that are home-grown. NO export of jobs allowed. If a company employs the bulk of it's people outside the USA, it can't take advantage of our tax breaks, banking laws or own property.

Corporations are much too big in this country. The laws that were designed to protect people are instead protecting the corporation against the people. When corporations were given "individual" status, it broke our country.

Now as for Corporate Greed -
Corporations are constantly trying to get laws passed that favor their industry - whether it is for tax breaks, environmental issues, or protecting it's profits and patents. I have no problem with protecting patents - but unless a "corporation" developed it, the patent belongs to the human being who had the AHA moment. Not a business.

Intellectual property is all well and good, but people are what makes this country, not companies. If there were not people working at those companies, there would be NO companies.

CEOs and other officers should be paid commensurate with their experience and expertise. If the guy can't route the mail in the building, he shouldn't be paid more than the mailroom clerk until he can. Bonuses and stock options?? PuhLeez! NO and NO! A Christmas bonus if there is a profit, and if the profit is 20%, then only 20% of the guy's monthly salary. Hey - that's all they give us, so that's all they get!

This is not tearing down the good guys. This is not re-distributing the wealth from rich to poor. It's making the rich guy carry his weight, not just the checkbook.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I've Always Liked Dick Cavett

Dick Cavett has always had a quiet intelligence that confounds most of today's youth. His command of the language is amazing, and he thinks before he actually opens his mouth. If only other public figures would do the same.

I bet he'd make a heck of a speechwriter! Or a politician!

Here is a sampling....

Monday, October 27, 2008

Update to Electrical -

Nothing yet. But I've found some promising rentals.

As soon as the electrician gets here, I'll have more information. I know I'm going to do my best to sweet-talk him into bringing the building up to code. We still have fabric insulation on wires in the attic. This building was built in the late 1970s or early 1980s. I'm surprised at the condition of the electrical system.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Strange Developments

Last night, I had a fire in an electrical outlet. It caused me to evacuate overnight while the property owner did a "temporary fix" and capped off the outlet. The outlet took another with it, so I am down to one outlet in the front room.

The landlady will have an electrician come in, and the Fire Department was pretty adamant that they want an inspection. However, I'm back in my home and while it is not as functional as I'd like, at least my family and I are together again. I have my favorite chair again. I have my own bed again. I have my shower with all the hot water I can handle again.

I haven't checked the fridge to see what got wasted, but I didn't open it after the power was cut. That should be fine.

It's just a real wake-up call for me. This really is an unsafe place for me anymore....

I'm looking for a place to stay while my house is being built - which will take another year. Hard to find, but I'm sure it will show up.

God willing, the place will shine out of the places that are available.

Friday, October 24, 2008

This is cute!

Wanna see some cute photos of cats?

And where is the McCain/Palin counterpart? No bears, please!

Friday, October 17, 2008

World Oil

If anyone wanted to know what would happen when oil got too expensive - take a look at the last few months. The US economy had a meltdown! It couldn't have been better orchestrated on purpose.

Yeah, I know, the housing market is a major component of all this crap - I'm not discounting it in any way, but if oil hadn't got so expensive (Thanks, Mr. Bush!) then the housing market might have been able to correct without pulling everything else with it.

Just my 2¢.

Friday, October 10, 2008


I'm hearing all kinds of blame going around for the economic mess we are in. It started years and years ago, with greed. Many thousands of years ago.

Who is pulling us out of it? Who is making it worse? WHO CARES!!!

Politics won't fix this. I've heard the Republicans say that Socialists are running things...

Who put forth the bailout bill? BUSH! Get off it! We are all in trouble.

I heard one fellow on the radio saying that we need full co-operation in the government to get through this. It ain't gonna happen!

I see the other way coming - lots of bitterness and anger over who didn't win the election.

It doesn't matter who wins or loses. We are all the losers in this one.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

RE: Bugbears, False Flag Attacks, and Scapegoats

I received this post today. It mirrors my beliefs, so I'm passing it on. The author's name is at the bottom.

Real Intent Behind Unconstitutional Laws
The real intent behind unconstitutional laws is their ultimate use against American citizens to quell dissent. Until they officially nullify the Constitution, they have to find ways to skirt the Bill of Rights. Out of one side of their treasonous mouths, they will declare that they are not attempting to interfere with First Amendment rights - while, out of the other side, they re-define the acts therein protected as "terrorism." And, apparently, the protests don't even have to take place. You can be hit with charges beforehand, as with the RNC demonstrators. Now, that's a level of "sophistication" that I never considered.

Danger Beneath the Surface
Laws like the Patriot and Military Commissions Acts are made to look like "safeguards" on the surface but are in actuality dangerous assaults on civil liberties. Many years ago, they wanted to give the police the right to stop every tenth driver to test for alcohol. Admittedly, that would prevent some accidents. But the Bill of Rights protects citizens from random search and seizure. Another example is putting up cameras everywhere. Even though this would reduce crime,.its true motive would be to allow the government to spy on citizens. Same general logic with regard to the telecom companies' providing customer information to the government.

Bugbears, False Flag Attacks, and Scapegoats
Bugbears, false flag attacks, and scapegoats play critical roles in the conversion of democracies into police states. (The takeover of the United States government was effected through a legislative - as opposed to a military - coup.) Three steps must be taken. First, identify a sinister force ("terrorism") ostensibly afoot in the world and allegedly aimed directly at you. Second, create an event (Twin Towers) supposedly linked to that force that will whip up mass hysteria and rabid patriotism. Third, select a scapegoat on whom to blame the event. Now, you're all set to put through unconstitutional laws for "protection" that citizens perceive do not or can not pertain to them. "No one will torture me or throw me into prison for years with no evidence or charges, because I'm not an 'enemy combatant.'" Even activists - for the environment or animal / human rights - fancy themselves safe, because they figure that the First Amendment irrevocably grants them freedom of speech and assembly, the right to redress grievances and advocate for reform, etc.

Who's Afraid of the Bogeyman?
Whenever a government selects one group of people and lays most national or global troubles solely at its feet, the group is more than likely serving as a "bogeyman" to divert attention from the crimes of that government and to re-direct hatred and blame onto an alternate source. Adolph Hitler told the German people that the Jews "had all the money." In reality, most of the six million Jews who went to the gas chambers were poor "shleppers" from the ghetto struggling to survive and feed their families. They weren't world bankers or Zionist leaders.

The "Terrorists Who Hate Us for Our Freedoms"
Today, the Middle Easterners are the scapegoat. Bush and fellow criminals came up with the term "the terrorists who hate us for our freedoms" and made the Twin Towers debacle - in reality a false flag attack engineered by the U.S. government - look like it was carried out by Muslims. By inciting hatred of Muslims (just like Hitler did with Jews), George Bush et al could now appear to "justify" illegal ongoing war and occupation, torture, indeterminate detention, suspension of habeas corpus, warrantless domestic wiretapping and spying, erosion of civil liberties, destruction of the trifoliate system of government (emasculation of Congress and the Supreme court), and flouting of the Constitution and international covenants (just like Hitler was able to implement all his monstrous policies - most notably, concentration camps and gas chambers) without a whimper of protest from the public.

Orwellian Doublespeak
Revoking our freedoms to "protect" us from those who are "jealous" of them is kind of like taking away our homes to protect us from the homeless or taking away our food to protect us from the hungry. One person quipped, "Of what freedoms can anyone still be jealous? We no longer have any!"

Politics Today
Politics today is not (if it even ever was) about what's important or appropriate for individual nations or the world. It's about mega-wealthy elites hijacking political systems to enhance personal fortunes - and the concomitant need to construct virtual or official police states to protect those ill-gotten gains.

They Never Learn
This is the way it has always operated in history. And no matter how many times it has occurred - and despite the fervent cries of "Never again!" - it is still going on today. And the people continue not only to ignore the "handwriting on the wall," but also to delude themselves every four years that one or the other political candidate lives for no other reason than to supply their needs and fulfill their dreams.

Lindy Greene

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Economics of Bailout

When I was in college, my economics professor said something I've never forgotten -
"Guns or Butter - can't pay for both" and went on to explain this concept---

The government can pay for war or you can pay for social programs at home. I guess that deficit spending over-rules this wisdom.

There go your children's, grand-children's, great-grand-children's, and possibly your great-great-grand-children's (4 generations so far...) social programs!

Health care? Who can fund that? Retirement benefits? They're gone, too...

Thanks, Bush! Thanks, Congress! You just ruined this country for another 4 generations. It's bad enough where we *were*! But we are SO much worse off now...

Mixing Religion and Politics

This post is partly to clarify something I said earlier and is meant to elaborate on it. I seem to not be alone, if the NPR interviews I heard yesterday mean anything.

The Bible talks about the "end times" and "rapture" and the final confrontation of the anti-christ and christ at megiddo.

This scenario is filled all kinds of signs and portents. Some of these (a lot of them) seem to be happening right now. There are some serious deficits, but most folks don't even know about them so just jump on that bandwagon and say "Hey Jesus, Here I am! Come get me!"

The Bible also says that "No Man" may fortell the day of the end of the world.

However, our more fundamentalist Christian politicians seem to want to bring about the end times by producing some of the missing elements in the run-up to the end of the world. Are they the anti-christ? Are they his agents?

What about some of the more important missing elements - like the Temple of Jerusalem standing smack-dab in the middle of the dome-of-the-rock that is the Muslim holy site?

Most folks seem to forget about that. The Temple needs to be standing. It isn't standng.

Anyway - that's getting off track, and that was not what I had in mind.

I have a real problem with religious fanatics who don't read the texts they say they are following. I have a real problem with politicians trying to manage world affairs according to their warped religious views - whether jewish, christian, hindi, muslim or ?? (fill in the blank). I am really afraid of a head of state, such as the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of England or the President of Russia, arranging and managing the world to fit some Biblical end-of-world scenario.

Think about this -

If these folks are wrong (and there is a strong possibility they are), the world they want to bring about is everyone at war, everyone out for himself, and desparately needing salvation or God to step in to fix the mess. All because of delusion.

Now, let's just say for argument, that God or the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, or whatever you choose to call it; does NOT step in to fix it.

What then?

We will be living in a world that is so far removed from the one Christ pointed out to us. It will be near to impossible to live by the Ten Commandments - even to survive a day will be difficult in such a world.

To not worship any other God than God (money is what most people worship),
No graven images (money again, sex, phallus, etc.),
No swearing, using God's name in vain (not even Sheesh!),
Keeping the Sabbath (most people don't, even the church goers mostly keep Sunday, instead),
Honoring your parents (most berate and blame their parents for what/who they are),
No murder (Not even state-sanctioned death penalty),
No adultery (fornication outside of marriage),
No stealing (not even a paperclip),
Don't bear false witness (gossip, tales, lies),
Don't covet (envy) others for their possessions (donkey or wife) means be happy in your place and leave the other person to his & quit trying to "Keep up with the Jones'", which is what brought about the economic & financial mess we are in now. Everyone needs a home, yes, but not a McMansion!

Where are you in that list?

So, back to the topic....

I don't want to live in a world where we are constantly at odds with each other. Christ said he came not to bring peace, but war, and I think I am beginning to see the greater picture.

God wants nothing more than for us to rely on Him. That's all he wants. Quit trying to manage our own lives and the lives of others and allow Him to work his magic. Several of the Bible lessons I've run across lately are of us petty little humans manipulating situations to bring about the word of God as it was guaranteed to begin with. Not having faith, but having to manipulate things. Allow God the time and space to create his miracles!! God does not promise and then not deliver. Have the faith it takes to give God room to work.

I've seen some real miracles. Hearts and lives changed because of letting God do what needed to be done. Stepping out of the way, letting go (not even a hair holding on) and watching with interest but not being ready to step in and help things along if they went sour. Sometimes, things do go sour for a while. Then, just when we have reached the end of our tolerance, patience, and the very end of our wits, here comes the miracle. Unexpected resolutions to problems and challenges. There is NO WAY a human could have dreamed up something so amazing! So much MORE than we could think of. That's God. More than we can dream.

So, my religion and my politics won't be mixing anytime soon. Except for trying to keep other people's religion from messing up the world even worse than it is, my votes are purely secular.


Yeah, right, sweeteners.....

PORK! The other white meat...

I liked what that one person said -

Everytime Bush got up and begged, he lied.

Are we REALLY going to give him 700 *BILLION* dollars?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Democrats vs Republicans

It used to be "Tax and Spend Democrats" and "Fiscally Responsible Republicans"

You could count on Democrats to make government big and Republicans to make it small.

Now, we have the largest tax bill ever, largest deficit ever, and nobody is taking responsibility.

And the current "regime" is proposing we bail out the fat-cats who got us into this mess by their greed.

Right! Like "the people" are responsible.

People who barely live from paycheck to paycheck. People who are one mishap away from homelessness. People who rent, pay for high-priced gas and food, pay their taxes, pay for the government to steal them blind.

HEY! Wheres' the Vaseline! At least you could lube us when you screw us!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain "Suspension" and Elections

Let's get this straight - McCain wants to look like a super-responsible adult congressman and suspends his campaign to "fix" the mess - whereby the government owns everyone's homes.

Obama wants to keep going and practice politics as usual.

WAIT a Minute!! This sounds like a perfect opening for Bush, in his "infinite wisdom" to step in and "suspend elections!" Impose Martial Law on the entire Free World! hey - was that the Constitution that I saw going out the window????

McCain - YOU ARE AN ASS!!! You are playing right into his hands! There is NOTHING you could have done that says you disrespect the American people any more than what you just did.

No Government Action can fix this economic mess. Yeah, pass all the "regulations" you want to about CEO pay restrictions - they'll find a way around them. Pass all the "resolutions" you want to about keeping a better eye on the stock market players and banks. Nothing you do will fix this.

As my mother used to say, "You CANNOT legislate morality!!!" Greed is greed. Putting money above God is immoral. It is SIN! Ain't nothin' gonna fix that 'cept redemption. These guys don't believe in God, so that ain't gonna happen, neither.

Let things shake down. The Feds, Banks, politicians and "experts" are all playing God. Let go! Let God put things right. Yeah, there's gonna be some tough times ahead. A lot of people will lose the homes they can't afford to begin with. The credit card companies will see their fees skyrocket. Banks will see a lot of fees. Eventually, everything will come to balance. UNLESS you keep trying to fix it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fed Bailouts and Your Home

Did you realize that when the Fed bails out a mortgage portfolio, Your mortgage might be in the mix???

Yeah, that's right, Uncle Sam likely owns your home. How's that for Communisim? Socialism? Take your pick - the government owns it.

They can kick you out of your house.

Think about it....

Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain/Palin Ticket vs. Obama/Biden Ticket

How much thought did McCain put into his selection of a running mate? Did he wait till Obama picked so he could pick something opposite? Was he thinking that Obama would pick Clinton?

I think there are few in Washington who have a serious objection to Biden. Biden has a reputation of being level-headed and thoughtful. Maybe not a firebrand or a lively guy - hey I remember the bowties - but he is well liked by everyone. You know who he is and where he stands. He rounds out the Obama ticket nicely.

McCain picked the worst person he could find! He just wanted a woman to catch the female votes lost when Hillary stepped out and then wasn't picked for Veep. What a stupid move! At his age, too! His running mate will likely be President before the first term is up.

This is one of the scariest elections I've ever seen. If McCain/Palin win, I'll have to give up all and move. I don't want to live in a world where people don't think. Some of you may be saying, "Let her!" but think of living under the kind of government that she will bring about.

I live in "Fundamental-Christian-Bible-Belt-Land." A lot of these folks think that "bringing the Lord back" means making the world a horrible place that only Jesus and God can save. What if they are wrong????? What if Jesus/God/Universal Intelligence could care less about the human race????? Do YOU want to take that chance?

For the record, I'm a Christian, too. I just happen to think that we should do our level best to make a world that we and our children would be glad to live in, not the other way around.

Gas Prices

Think of this - gas was a lot cheaper before we stuck our noses into Iraq. The "Bush Doctrine" has padded the oil company pockets at the expense of the people of this country. Remember that Bush has a reputation of being sneaky, underhanded and does things unethically. He fleeced millions from his oil company buddies back in Texas. So, now that he's President, he's making good on his promises.

I wonder what they have on him that makes him actually act with honor to those he fleeced before????

So, he's finally forced to step down - unless he declares martial law and stops the election, which I don't put past him.

I saw a pickup with a message painted on the back window that he got robbed by the oil companies - not quite right though. Think about it.... Bush was bought and paid for long before he ever ran for President. Why do you think he put Cheney in the co-pilot's chair? I'm sure he had someone a lot more fun in mind.

She's What?

Palin thinks she's ready to "run the country" - over John McCain's dead body of course!

Which her stupidity will bring about if nothing else does....

Read 'em and weep, folks.

And I'm seeing McCain/Palin bumperstickers already popping up all over Knoxville. Do these people even have a clue?

So, she's anti-abortion - look at the full picture PUH-LEEZ!!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Is This the End of Capitalism?

The government takeover or guarantee of financial markets in so many markets is very scary. It's the take over of the capitalist system. No more free market- no more risk of failure. And MASSIVE government debt!


Let things fail. That is the price to pay for stupidity.

Face Your Consequences!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tennessee Church Shooting

That was my church.

I'm OK, but I lost a friend. It's been a wild week. A lot of emotion and pain. There have been so many meetings with folks I haven't seen in a long time. It's been pretty overwhelming.

I'm not used to being around so many people, so I'm a little burned out.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Things Heating Up...

Obama in the Middle East acting Presidential.....

McCain interviewing possible running mates.....

Bush trying hard as hell to keep the focus on his big ego.

I know Bush has some last-minute crap to pull. Especially if Obama is elected. And right now, that looks almost a forgone conclusion....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Been a while- things heating up

It's been a while, and I refused to get involved or comment but Bush did it again, and I really think he needs to be stopped.

I'm afraid he will try to start up with Iraq before he leaves that office. He's beginning to pull troops out of Iran - and what do you think he will do with them??? Give them the rest they so richly deserve? No - he'll push them even further. I'm surprised they haven't completely revolted. As soon as they are out of Iraq, they might.

I saw a bumper sticker- "Somewhere in Texas a village is missing it's idiot" and I heartily agree.

OK, I admit it that my feelings are hurt that Hillary didn't get the nomination. Am I behind Obama? Not sure. I'm not behind McCain. That's all I can say. It's a "lesser of evils" situation. Obama has no experience. Put someone like that in control of the greatest military force ever known? Put someone who has never known the pain of losing to party machinations - and what will he do?

Bush is leaving the Presidency more powerful than ever before and than designed by the framers. The next presidents may abuse it even further. An inexperienced man in the office can wreak havoc or make the world a much better place. I'm taking a "wait-and-see" attitude for now.

How many think Bush will impose martial law and stop the elections? Post your comments here.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mom's Gone

I lost my mom this morning. I've been pretty preoccupied. Having a lot in my head.

Not paying attention to much else for a while.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Waterboarding Veto

You know, with all the questions that the Congress and Senate threw at the new (and past) attorneys general, you would think that W would get the idea. We don't approve of or want to participate in torture. It doesn't matter who is doing it, we don't approve of it.

When the congress makes a law to outlaw something the people don't want, you would think that the President would listen. Of course, this one only listens to his veep and his moneyed friends & the foreign governments who brainwashed him a long time ago. Talk about Terrorists!

Congress needs to get off their asses and support the people who put them in office. Overturn this veto! Don't forget, you can't continue fooling people forever. Eventually, they WILL wake up!

Friday, March 7, 2008

McCain on the Economy

I heard John McCain's plan to get the economy moving again - including job training --

YooHoo! Anybody home???

You need to have an industry to train people INTO - what are we training them for - to muck out the stables????

Why not stimulate entrepreneur activity and reward those who provide jobs, instead?

Saturday, March 1, 2008

McCain vs.

OK, I've been thinking about the General election coming up and my pick with McCain in the Republican seat -

If against Clinton, I'm for Clinton. She has the guts and steel to do things that I see need doing.

If against Obama, I'm for McCain. I've always liked McCain, even though I don't think he will do exactly what I want done, he would be a good executive for the country.

Why? I don't trust Obama. I have no reason - I just feel deep in my gut that he's not the right person for the job.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Investigating Baseball??


We have an election, an unpopular war going on, housing and the economy are in shambles, there is no health insurance for millions of people; and congress wants to investigate Clemmons' comments to congress????

Waxman is not the guy I remember from 20 yrs ago, that's for sure!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Clinton or Obama?

I've been watching the Dems race with interest. As Obama pulls forward of Clinton, I asked myself if I should throw my support behind him, but I think I'll wait and cross that bridge if I come to it. I still think Clinton is the way to go.

My sister and I discussed this and she had a good word for Hilary: "Shark." She said that's just what we need to get things done - a shark. Obama is too nice and untested. He may have some tricks up his sleeve, but can he handle a republican old-guard dweeb? He may be too rigid and not be willing to play ball. Or, he might give too much away, not realizing that it was a bluff. I think Hilary's experience will help, not hurt.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm so Sick of Being Sick!!!

I've been fighting bladder infections for over 3 years. I'm so sick of the pain and bloating. I'm so sick of the fevers and backaches. I'm so sick of taking antibiotics and more antibiotics and more antibiotics.

I'm just so sick of being sick! It's depressing! The costs of seeing a doctor every single time I need more antibiotics, then the cost of the medication. And uri-stat is no longer working for me. I'm in such pain tonight, I can barely stand it.

The docs say that if I can't void, then I go to the hospital. I can still let out a drop or two at a time and I'm full. I've had glasses and glasses of water to flush me out.

I've done a lot of research on the internet and there seem to be two conditions that are like mine - Interstatial Cystitis and an e-coli condition where the bacteria embeds itself into the bladder lining. IC can be diagnosed by doing a cystoscopy using a potassium wash. I've never had this procedure, but a doctor reported that he did it & charged for it. He was after a lot of $$ & I fired him. But the damage was done. Now, I'm paying the price. I take water pills and potassium - so guess what! I'm miserable because I'm having this "test" every day.

I'm so fed up with all the doctors and their money grubbing ways. I'm just so sick of being sick.

Dems Field Narrowing

OK, we got a woman who looks/dresses/acts like a man and a man who looks/dresses/acts like an oreo cookie.

Whatcha want, folks?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

State of Denial!

Bush's State of the Union address last night was again filled with lies, prevarications and downright untruths. The man really doesn't even know he's lying - so he's in a total state of denial.

The only way Iraq can be better is if there are no Americans dying. And the only way to make that happen is to bring them all home. The American people no longer have to be the policemen of the globe. If factions of Islam want to kill each other off, so much the better. Why don't we just cordon the whole region off, keep all the killers in with all the other killers and when they stop killing each other open talks? OIL! So, nobody wants to ride a horse anymore???

My whole generation lost their men. The ones who came back from Viet Nam were pretty much messed up beyond reason. Now, we are doing the same thing to our grandkids. Enough already!

Education is messed up totally! The Economy? What a mess!
Tax relief? Hey - give every person (not companies) who make less than $25K a year a complete tax amnesty. All tax money (except SSI & Medicare) are returned at tax time. That includes sales tax, since the lower income person pays a proportionally larger amount of them anyway.

This "stimulus package" won't help with my rent this month. It won't help with gas, food or electricity. So, as far as it goes for low income folks, it's pretty much useless. $300 doesn't even feed the family for a month.

Education - Stop trying to manage it! Let people in the cities and towns do that. They did a pretty good job in the '50s and can do it again. They will. Maybe if it didn't take TWO INCOMES to support a family of 4 - unlike the '50s when one income did it, we would have less trouble - less gangs and after school problems, less drugs, less entitlement issues. Kids today think they deserve and are entitled to their own room and bathroom, a car of their own at 16 or before, a cell phone - hey, forget it! Share with your sibling and call me by 4pm! From a payphone! And if you don't like it, you're grounded with extra chores. TV removed, radio removed and supervised, unplugged computer time only.

Health Care - That's a total mess! 9 million getting tax relief so they can get health insurance? What if the insurance costs more than you make in a month???????

Get over it. We need a national health insurance that works. Take a model from the Canadians (where my job went) or European countries. Figure it out, but get it done.

Partisan Politics? Yeah! You Bet! As long as that person is in the White House, that's what's going to happen. He insists on doing it his way. I hope that 2/3 majority will kick him in the behind when January 2009 rolls around. He's a total lame duck and doesn't know how to live. Such megalomania!

Get over it, Mr. Bush. You are an ass who needs a hole to crawl into - ask Cheney if he will let you.....

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Admit to Being Quiet

I admit it - I've been pretty quiet.

I'm watching all the hoopla around the primaries and caucuses.

My picks:
Huckabee and Clinton.
This is not to say that either will win or that there aren't other good candidates.

Actually, I like Obama, but I don't think he's got a chance of surviving the race. I mean that with the utmost of love, too. It's been a while since the Kennedys and that fellow who shot at Reagan. Long enough that folks have forgotten it all. I'm afraid for Obama.

I like Huckabee - but I also like Ron Paul! Paul has some goooood stuff to say! But I think that Huckabee has the moral compass we need in the White House - if you want another republican there.

I'm decidedly not republican. What is my party? I register democrat but I vote my conscience.

I actually posted to Clinton - and I supported her husband. I deal with stuff that I want to see her address.

As for being quiet - Bush has no reason in the world to go over to Palestine or Israel other than to boost his ratings. If the region was that important to him, he would have gone a long time ago. I don't trust him or his cronies and I never will. I'd love the see the asshole put in a deep, dark cell for the rest of his life. He needs to be castrated, and all his $$ stripped & given to homeless shelters around the country. And that goes for his cronies, too.

So, there! Phhht!