Monday, January 21, 2008

I Admit to Being Quiet

I admit it - I've been pretty quiet.

I'm watching all the hoopla around the primaries and caucuses.

My picks:
Huckabee and Clinton.
This is not to say that either will win or that there aren't other good candidates.

Actually, I like Obama, but I don't think he's got a chance of surviving the race. I mean that with the utmost of love, too. It's been a while since the Kennedys and that fellow who shot at Reagan. Long enough that folks have forgotten it all. I'm afraid for Obama.

I like Huckabee - but I also like Ron Paul! Paul has some goooood stuff to say! But I think that Huckabee has the moral compass we need in the White House - if you want another republican there.

I'm decidedly not republican. What is my party? I register democrat but I vote my conscience.

I actually posted to Clinton - and I supported her husband. I deal with stuff that I want to see her address.

As for being quiet - Bush has no reason in the world to go over to Palestine or Israel other than to boost his ratings. If the region was that important to him, he would have gone a long time ago. I don't trust him or his cronies and I never will. I'd love the see the asshole put in a deep, dark cell for the rest of his life. He needs to be castrated, and all his $$ stripped & given to homeless shelters around the country. And that goes for his cronies, too.

So, there! Phhht!

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