Thursday, September 8, 2011

Supplement Removal Experiment...

While I said earlier that removing the supplements was interesting, it hadn't been enough time yet to really see the difference...

Well, the only thing that seems to have been making a difference is the Triple Flex for my joints. My joints are all swollen, sore, and feel stiff. My knee is terrible, so I know that Triple Flex works, no matter what the ads say. For me, it works. So try it yourself if you have joint pain.

Otherwise, I haven't seen any difference. It's been 2 weeks. My urine is a light yellow, barely any color at all, but I drink a lot of water. I still don't sleep at night, and the hot-flashes are no different than if I was taking soy.

I sleep about an hour at a time, most of the time. I guess that's my history of napping taking it's toll.

The B-vitamin group made no difference at all. The pre-natal vitamins made no difference at all. My gut is still doing what it does, and I have more pain in my spine than before, is all. But who knows if the pain in my spine is from the supplements or from the Triple Flex?

Oh well, I guess I'll go back on that and leave the rest up to God...

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