Monday, September 26, 2011

Groundhog Day All Over Again....

I've had to Re-Do everything at least once for over a week now. It is really annoying to have everything backfire on you day after day. I'm trying to do homework, attend to my health and get enough sleep.

Instead, I'm wasting gas, money and time, having to re-do everything...

I went to the store. When I got home, there was a bag of canned goods missing. I looked everywhere in my car - no go. And I had to leave for class, so no time to go back for them... And not just canned goods at $0.75 a can, either, this was nuts at $4.79 or more a can. I got nuts to lower my cholesterol.... Yeah, Right!

I got ink at the office supply store. To save a little money, I got the refurb cartridges. One worked, but seemed low on yellow, so I tried the other one. No go - my printer can't even recognize the cartridge. I still haven't had time to get back there to have it replaced. I'm afraid they won't give me a replacement now, since it's been over a week, and I've lost the receipt in my bedlam...

My car got new back brakes on Weds. On Thursday night, I noticed a noise at the right front, not related. I got it to the shop on Friday afternoon, after a hellatious day trying to get stuff done, scared that the car would fall apart in the process. Well, driving off the lot, I've got metal-to-metal and now the car has to go back a third time to have that taken care of. It might just be a brake adjustment, or it could be he wheel bearing. I have a tow truck coming.

The tow truck? Another mess. I can't find the insurance card for my current insurance company. I found 3 years of cards for the old company, but nothing for my new insurance company. My agent hasn't returned my call, since he's not in the office yet, and I need to get cards.

Meanwhile, I'm still doing homework that I did wrong and have to re-do. At least it's not due till tomorrow!

I'm just so fed up! I hate to have this kind of stuff going on. I haven't seen it for years and I forgot how horrible it is when this happens. We laugh at Bill Murray in the movie, but when you are living this time in your life, it isn't funny. It just sucks!

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