Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Been thinkin' 'bout the 'conomy....

We knew this was coming 10-15 years ago. We've outsourced jobs until the only ones left are food service and health care. If we could outsource those, we would...

Companies cut costs - period!

We (American workers) cost too much money. Between all the insurances, taxes and government regulation, it's too expensive to hire people. So, we outsourced the positions. To Canada (national health care), India (cheap and well-educated labor), and Mexico (cheap labor).

So, now you need a Master's degree to flip hamburgers at McDonalds. You can't get a job in your field because all the work is done on Elance or by some other virtual service, spread all over the globe.

Get over yourself. Hang up that damn cell phone, and pay attention to where you are pointing that death trap of a machine.

Don't bitch at me that your clothes are falling apart. When they were made in North Carolina and Tennessee, clothes lasted for years. Made in China, they fall apart in one washing. You get what you pay for.

Buy American made goods. If you want a job, you need to support the job that pays for your job. If you look at where something is made, the cheaper item is likely made in the USA, and it will probably last longer.

Stop buying at Walmart. Every time you purchase something there, you perpetuate the low-wage, and cheap, crappy goods cycle they put in place.

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