Sunday, June 14, 2009

I lost a friend last week...

I lost a friend last week. She is a smart woman, but she seems to be under the influence of some very scary people. She's been forwarding increasingly hateful, untruthful, and inflammatory e-mails. She's been slandering the President of these United States.

I've had to listen/read these kinds of e-mails for years - both sides send them to their friends and family. Some are truthful, most are not.

I finally got offended to the point that I didn't want to see any more of those come my way.

I sent her a link to, which is the myth-dispelling website. They check all the myths, forwards, rumors and so on, and tell you which are true and which are false..

So, I sent her the link and asked her to stop spreading hate and falsehoods.

She came back with more hate - but at least it was original hate. She now blocks all my e-mails. It's too bad. I wasn't attacking her, but just asked her to stop spreading hate and falsehoods.

Over-reaction. Pure and simple. It's so sad; she couldn't even see what my objection was. I never told her what to think, who to vote for, or how to believe. In her response, she did all of these to me.

I wish folks who did this kind of thing could see what is being asked and what the true objection is. I don't care who you vote for, as long as you vote. I just don't want to spread falsehood and hate. I delete them. I won't forward them.

PLEASE!!! If you forward e-mails to folks, check them for truth before you do. It will cut the amount of SPAM we all get, and keep your friends happy.

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