Thursday, June 23, 2016


“Do you know how hard I've worked for you? Do you really? I've set up this ball to find you the perfect wife and all you do is whine and complain. I've brought all the most beautiful girls and princesses from all the kingdoms around and all you do is sulk because you have to make a choice! “
To herself… (Really, some boys are so spoiled! Can’t even lift a finger in their own interests. Tsk, tsk…)

“I don't want to make a choice. It feels so unfair. If I choose just one, all the others will be slighted and kingdoms could go to war over it.
“I can't choose!”

“Well, then, I'll choose for you. She might not be a princess, mind you. “

“Yes, yes!  Just choose someone for me. I can't do it.”

“OK. I choose that girl over here.”

“What!!!! She's....  
“She's a scullery maid!
“She’s dirty and ugly and her hands are all rough. “

“How dare you refer to your future bride in those terms!
“You said to choose and I chose.
“Now get down on your knee and propose already!”

“Yes, ma'am....”

And it came to pass that Cinderella really WAS the best princess for the prince.  She had no pretensions to royalty and didn’t try to run the country. She wasn’t demanding at all, and the least kindness set her heart fluttering. She cleaned up nicely and was widely regarded as the most beautiful princess for miles around. She produced the required heir and spare with minimal fuss along with a passel of girl children, due to her hearty genes and wide hips. And the castle was never cleaner and more well-run in all its history!

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