Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Been Dealing -

There are lots of things I've wanted to write about - Blog about - recently. I have been unable to sit at the computer long enough to do so.

Boy! Do I NEED a laptop!

I've been ill, and worse, in a lot of pain. I fell again yesterday - have a beautiful purple bruise on my upper arm.

I've been yelling at the radio. Patraeus is saying nothing. Nada. Zilch. He's a Bush cronie.

Right now, I'm mostly angry about the way the war in Iraq has been privatized. At 3750 dead Americans, who knows how many Iraqis and add the other nation's dead and damaged. Then, the kicker, the "secret" injuries and dead of the private armies of "security" for all of Cheney's cronies. All those companies that swarmed over Iraq to "rebuild" it (and fill their pockets).

I watched "The Aviator" recently, and according to the movie, Howard Hughes got called before a Senate Subcommittee for $43 million. How much has been squandered in this war???

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