Monday, August 27, 2007

Live with Intention

You know, what party you belong to doesn't make a difference if every one is in it for power or money. Our capitalist system is derailing our entire way of life!

: = : = : = : = : = : =

I heard a story about Vegas gambling and collegiate sports. That it's easy to corrupt our young people to change a point spread for the gambling as long as the player still gets to win his game. That's a corruption of values!

It's this kind of corruption that I'm against. The lost of veracity and truth and honor. Power and greed have taken over the government. This is where it starts. Our young people don't have a chance.

Adults - parents - please pay attention to what you teach your children. The values you live are what you teach. Go to church, learn some values and get a conscience. If you don't show it, the kids won't learn it. Even if you don't go to church or believe in God, that's up to you. But you need to listen to that still, small voice inside your head. The one that tells you right from wrong. If you aren't sure, don't do anything until you are sure. Living by default is the same as not living. Live with intention.

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