Monday, July 25, 2016

Venues- Looking for an Agent, Reading and Writing

There are more venues to submit work than ever these days. I found something called "" and submitted my project. I had to build a profile, then input the project. Then, I set it for "discovery" by agents.

I asked a friend and she said it was a giant slush pile for authors to submit to in hopes of finding an agent or publisher. I'm not sure how good those are. The agents and publishers have to take the active step of looking for projects, instead of sending a project targeted to the agent based on their genre and submission guidelines.

Then there's "," which helps to find an agent in your genre. I've been through that database a few times.  It's a good place to look and it's free. There's an option for a paid membership, but I use the free one.

And the next option is "" which is really helpful. After going through the agent query site, you find the agent on query tracker when you submit to them and you set a reminder for how long to wait till you move on. It's really helpful to keep me from submitting the same project to the same agent over and over again.

However, I DO have one agent I submit to every time I have a project. She's working in the same genres that I am. Actually, I found another one recently, so there are now two people who get a submission each time I have a project nearing completion.

That's the trick, don't submit an unfinished project.

I also found two of the three reviewers I need for this project. I still need another reviewer. I'm looking for a doctor in endocrinology or internal medicine who is willing to read it - and then make a comment for the book jacket. He or she must be respected in the field. Alternative medicine is OK. So, if you know of someone, send them here - I'll check for comments.

The next idea is to break out some of the content from the book and make it into articles for magazines and websites and publish them. Getting a publishing credential in the field is always a good thing when looking for an agent.

On the writing front itself, I've renamed the book. I may rename it again. I branched out into another section - I keep doing that....

I decided to check for articles on how alcoholism affects blood sugar and insulin resistance. Of course, there are only a few studies, but enough that I know I'm on the right track. The book may trigger some new studies being done, which would be a good thing.

We know that alcohol is metabolized as sugar. We also know that too much sugar builds into insulin resistance, which triggers the beginnings of pre-diabetes. So, I'm making a leap into that territory. I'm not sure how much of this I'll include, yet, but there will be a section on it.

On the reading front - I've found a new author I can't get enough of - Margaret Coel. She writes the way I wish I could. She built her world, found two unforgettable, very real characters, and they face challenges and interpersonal growth in each book. I love it!

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