Monday, February 25, 2013

I've been having trouble with my emotions lately. I'm flying off the handle at things. Maybe I need more "centering activities" in my life. Maybe I need a better diet, more sleep, or less stress. I don't really know if maybe it isn't all of these things.

My cats are living close by, in an apartment that is not habitable. There is a roof, floor, walls and windows. The doors lock and there are lights and water/sewer. However, there are also more roaches than I can handle. They are even in the fridge. As I finally got the fridge to work in the freezer part, I suspect that the seal on the fridge part is bad. The fridge isn't cool, and that's where the roaches are. I can't live in it.

There are other things that make the apartment objectionable, too. The floor is a bit too wavy and there aren't enough electric outlets. I can live with both of these if the roaches were not present.

The landlord is being very nice and giving me the option of two other apartments, or moving out. So, he's being very understanding. I'm sure he didn't have any idea that the roaches were this bad. I know other tenants in the building don't have roaches at all.

Until I see the other apartments (later today) and make up my mind, and time passes so I can actually move in, nothing will change. I'll be in this half-life of caring for the cats, sometimes sleeping on an air mattress to be with them at night, and all the time having a backache. Of course, I'm not sleeping well. Of course, my time is thin and my studies are suffering.

This move came on the heels of an amazing trip to Reno for the IWC. I haven't even talked about that because it was overshadowed so suddenly by this apartment issue.

Oh well, at least it's only a couple miles to see the kitties instead of 110 miles. At the price of gas, that's a good thing.

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