Tuesday, June 5, 2018

My Hula Hoop

What's in my hula hoop? Me, myself and I.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.

It's hard to stay focused when the world is falling apart around me. My world, my little corner, is doing OK. I'm holding my own. Kitty and I are well. I've had some blind-spots (visual issues) but nothing is going wrong.

I have food, shelter, utilities, gas in the car, and a phone that's ringing with people instead of robo-callers.

So, a bit of gratitude here. I see the Universe is listening, but not providing what I "want" quite yet. My needs are met.

I have what I need, and my wants are either goals or wishful thinking.

I finished edits on the story. It grew 4 pages. Ready for my first readers? No, it is not perfect. It still has holes and my main character still is not "big enough" to suit me. But the story is there. How much backstory to include is the question.

Not a bad day, overall.

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