Monday, October 31, 2016

Comey - Corrupt or Stupid?

The FBI director, Comey, released a document to Congressional leaders, hoping it would be leaked to the press. It was.

Either Comey is stupid beyond belief, or he is corrupt.

He can't be stupid, because he is the director of the FBI, and one doesn't get to that position being stupid.

However, one CAN get to that position and be corrupt. If he is corrupt, how far does the corruption spread? Is it ideology or financial? If it's just money, then Comey is an idiot, whether he's smart or not. He's an idiot to throw his career away to support a candidate- whichever candidate or official paid him.

If this is ideological, then he needs to run for office himself. Enough covert maneuvering. He needs to be in the light, not the shadows.

This election is weird, to say the least. It's very nasty, more so than in past elections.

No matter what, Comey needs to lose his job. An investigation should be made into his motives for this action. It's pretty clear that his action was meant to hurt the Clinton campaign, while he sat on - and continues to disregard or ignore - even worse allegations about Trump.

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