Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Editing Older Works

I've been writing since I was a kid. Not just for school, and not the poetry of teenager, either. Serious essays have been my forte'. I write on a limited topic, up to 700 words, and use all the argument and illustration I can in that space to present an idea or topic that supports an overall position. The essays can be combined using a singular line of reasoning or a similar viewpoint and published as a work of contemporary thought.

I have about 35 works that can be reviewed, brought up to standards, and published. I've grown a bit of a thicker skin about my writing in the past couple of years, and I'm not concerned about others opinions of my topics any longer. Let's just say that you don't have to like my stuff and I don't take it personally. But a true critique is hard to find, since so many folks have opinions on the content.

I've got a lady who wants to edit my work, and I'm giving her an opportunity to do just that over the next couple of weeks. If she edits and does not react to the content, and if her editing is constructive regarding structure, then that's a good start.

Content editing is much more difficult. That requires a person who is sympathetic with the viewpoint, and has a strong grounding in marketing so that their suggestions make the work stronger, and more appealing to my audience. That is a hoped-for situation, but difficult to find. At least so far. Eventually, I'm sure I'll have that type of editor when it's time for that person to be in my life. Who knows? Maybe this woman is that editor...

1 comment:

Covnitkepr1 said...

Just checking back for any new posts you may have written.
I’ve been a follower on your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.