Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Failed Jobs Bill

The Republicans are going too far. People are hurting, and it's time to show them that the AMERICAN PEOPLE, who put them into office, won't stand for this behavior.

What gets me, is that the Republicans have been the ones over the years to propose most of the measures in the bill!! And now, just because the Democrats propose these measures, they want to filibuster, and refuse to hear the bill, or allow it to pass.

This is just OBSTRUCTIONIST behavior. It's a power-play to make sure that no matter what happens, they can remain in power. It's all about POWER and CONTROL. It is no longer about what is good for the American people.

Tell your representatives that you are sick of this behavior. Tell them to get off their duffs and take care of the people who elected them in the first place. Tell them to tell the corporations to take a hike!

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