Monday, October 15, 2007

Disillusioned, Dismayed

I keep listening to the news. Why, oh, why do I even try????

The congress & senate are fighting with the president, we have a child in the president's office, and nothing can get done.

The world is falling apart around our ears and we continue, as a people, to tolerate this state of affairs.

I'm so disillusioned, that I don't even want to bother. I'm apathetic. I'm dismayed at the lack of movement.

The S-Chip program, the genocide question for Armenians, lack of health care provisions for adults, social security, the credit crunch resulting from the sub-prime meltdown..... It's just too much.

I don't remember things being this bad 20-30 years ago. Yes, there was Johnson (escalation in Viet Nam and the Draft) and Kennedy (which one?), Nixon in all his "tricky dick" glory, Ford pardoning Nixon (to get the country moving again) but when did things get this impossible??? When did things get to such an impasse that nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can get done??? How did Bush put this much stranglehold on congress? What happened to the separation of powers?

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