I was told about depleted adrenal glands back in 1986-7 somewhere. I took supplements for about a year and thought I was better. Apparently, that was a temporary fix.
Last week, I changed my diet completely. I'm gluten-free and dairy-free. I've spent the time since by giving away a lot of food and restocking my pantry.
The doctor said that dairy foods were aggravating my "inflammation response" which is what caused adrenal depletion to begin with.
Removing gluten from my diet will support my microbiome, which is also compromised and showing signs of "leaky gut syndrome" without going all the way to leaky gut. I have an overgrowth of H-Pylori, and removing gluten will help to reverse that.
Our microbiome is in our digestive tract (stomach and intestines, including the colon), and is a delicate balance of bacteria and yeasts (fungi). It helps to digest foods we consume and extract the nutrients.
We all have some H-Pylori in our microbiome. Yes, it can be "killed" by a special antibiotic regime. That doesn't really help us. We need this bacteria in our microbiome, as it serves a purpose.
An overgrowth of H-Pylori can lead to GERD and Reflux. If H-Pylori is allowed to take over the stomach, upsetting the balance of yeast/bacteria - or taking over as the only bacteria, it can lead to ulcers and bleeding in the digestive tract.
I gave 7 pages of medical history to the doctor. I skipped about 10-12 years of stuff that I thought was over and done, but HE told ME - those years and what I went through!
Apparently, it started when I was 16 and sprained my ankle. My ankle never quite healed properly because I couldn't stay off it. That was the beginning. Add all the other stuff (not sharing it online), and I've basically had inflammation going since....
I have another test this upcoming week, to see if my inner ear is what's causing my dizziness and inability to walk a straight line. I sit quietly, and the room starts spinning, so I hope something shows up. I'm tired of falling over, walking into walls and open doors.
Other than that, I'm waiting for the referral to Vanderbilt in Nashville for further testing.
On to other things....
I haven't been writing much since December. I guess I'm burned out. At least temporarily.
I got a lot of resources at the first of the year about writing contests. If I hadn't posted my stories to Facebook, I could enter them into the contests. Live and learn....
I've been learning to cook a whole new way, with the diet changes. It's hard to remember to eat from all three macronutrient categories for each meal. I often forget one. So far, protein is the biggest loser.
My website is languishing. Coding up the recipes for the website is really involved. I end up typing the recipe up three times to make it work. This is my process:
- First, I type it into the recipe analyzing program.
- Next, I code it up for uploading to the website, adding a photograph.
- Finally, I put it in a pdf file that can be downloaded and printed.
I also signed up to teach an Excel class at the local Senior's Center. Only three classes, to see how it goes. That's next month. As long as I can talk and present the information, I can still teach a little.
So, lots going on. Meanwhile....
I've been meditating and thinking about my lifestyle and my isolation. I'm an intentional, intense introvert, so being around people has to be planned and I have to allow myself to recover from every interaction.
I want to connect with people, but it's tough. It takes a lot to open up to people beyond the surface stuff - and to listen to others. Sometimes, it feels like I'm living in a sheeple-filled vacuum. So few people think for themselves or stand on their own two feet emotionally.
Everyone is tied up in the latest political guffaw - like I was for a while. I got worn out, and re-focused my attention to my immediate world because that's what affects me the most. Then, I refocused again, to my little section of that immediate world.
We KNOW this president is incapable of running the country and is a mysoginist, racist pig. So what?
Yes, it reflects badly on the country and our people. Yes, many of our citizens are in fear and feeling insecure.
There is nothing I can do for them in the greater world, but in my little world, I can be inclusive, safe, and supportive. I can be intelligent, spiritual and compassionate, even though I'm an introvert.
Those are my thoughts and feelings right now.